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Circutor MyCatalog. Help us build an efficient future.

As part of our #thefutureisefficiency campaign, at CIRCUTOR we are continuing to carry out small actions to help create the efficient future that we and our environment need. With this objective in mind, we have digitised all our product information in order to bring us even closer to you.

We have a clear objective: to work together with our partners to improve the efficiency of our companies and reduce the impact of the carbon footprint, always connected.

For this reason, we are launching CIRCUTOR MyCatalog, the new mobile app with which you can easily find all the information about our products and solutions, get updates about our new launches and always keep yourself up to date. Find the products that best suit your needs and create lists of your favourites to get instant access to all their documentation and newest videos.

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Available for both iOS and Android, we invite you to free download the app and to join us in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, minimising the use of paper.

Circutor MyCatalog  

Circutor MyCatalog

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At CIRCUTOR, we are counting on you to build a more efficient future, together.

Line. Energy Efficiency is as easy as that!

Integral Energy Management System

Integral Energy Management System


It has never been easier

Total flexibility for any installation

Total flexibility for any installation

The Line devices which are part of the integral Energy Management System (EMSi) offers multiple combinations, allowing you to create a solution custom-made for each installation.

Easy installation

Easy installation

The modular design of the system allows any associated Line device to be installed quickly, securely and automatically thanks to its integrated Bus-Line communications.

Discover the new EMSi system

Discover the new EMSi system

Control and manage your installation: EMSi

The devices in the Line system paved the way for the EMSi concept, which combines the management of different types of energy consumption and the management of multiple control and maintenance systems (lighting, HVAC, etc.) into a single solution.




Energy management
Management of all your consumption

The EMSi system records all the information on your installation's energy consumption, which it can monitor in real time, display it on graphs, compare data from different periods or display it in data tables so it can be exported outside the application.

The data acquisition is very simple; using the line-EDS device, you can add any meter with Modbus communications to the EMSi system; the Line-M devices with digital inputs let you record consumption using any meter with a pulse output. The electricity consumption is recorded using the Line-CVM-D32 analyzer.

Management of all your consumption

The EMSi software integrated into line-EDS lets you create SCADA displays to show, in real time, where, how, when and how much energy your installation is consuming. This information lets you save on costs and manage the installation globally based on the ISO 50001 standard.

Find out how and where you consume energy.
Find out how and where you consume energy.

Monitor every circuit in your installation
Monitor every circuit in your installation

installation control
Monitor any type of installation

Install Line-EDS and integrate any Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP device that is present in your installation (temperature, humidity, pressure, level or other kind of probe).

Create SCADA screens to control all your automation systems from a single device (Line-EDS). You can use any web browser or PowerStudio Server to control and display the status of your installation in real time, change any setpoint and receive alarms to improve the management of all your control systems.

Easily and dynamically display any regulation system required, such as:

Lighting control

Configure setpoints to automatically turn lights on and off, on a set schedule or by using the astronomical clock feature. It also offers the option to control lighting systems by creating a work schedule, with or without inputs from motion sensors.

Lighting control

Example of lighting control
Example of lighting control

HVAC control

Take external temperature readings, compare them with the setpoint and turn on the HVAC system to drive and monitor the hot water loop. Monitor the condition of the compressors to display the percent load on each and verify they are working correctly.

Example of HVAC control
Example of HVAC control

Temperature control

Check the status of each HVAC unit and adjust the hot/cold setpoints as needed. Create calendars or schedules to program automatic on/ off switching times. Each device can be set based on the schedule or workday, with the option to incorporate motion sensors into the control system.

Example of temperature control
Example of temperature control

Note: The sample screens shown are not set up by default on Line-EDS devices. Each user will be able to generate their own screens based on their needs.

Maintenance of any installation
Maintenance of any installation

Program any type of alarm to monitor the installation depending on the variables of the connected devices. If any parameter is outside its programmed values, the system will adjust the installation and/or send an e-mail instantly.

Maintenance of any installation

It combines every aspect of energy control into a single tool, providing invoice simulations based on the energy consumption of any meter.

Know what the utility will bill in advance and schedule an automatic notification to compare and improve the efficiency of your consumption.

Maintenance of any installation

Maintenance of any installation

Create Energy Performance Indicators (EnPI) to chack if energy improvement actions are working correctly. Create your own KPI, depending on your installation and processes.



Typical performance indicators:

Typical performance indicators:

Two models, four types of management.

With the Line system devices, you decide how to manage any installation. Manage them using IoT cloud platforms or with our integral Energy Management System, working locally or remotely.

Monitoring system using

Monitoring system using Line-EDS-Cloud

System features:

  • Compatible with the major IoT platforms for Big Data analysis.
  • Distributed system, allowing data from multiple installations to be centralized in the same system.
  • Connect from anywhere with internet access.
  • Does not require installing and maintaining a local server.
  • No programming specialists required.

Examples of IoT platforms

Azure platform
Azure platform

AWS platform
AWS platform

Monitoring and control system using Line-EDS-PS

Monitoring and control system
using Line-EDS-PS

EMSi (Integral Energy Management System)

Manage consumption + Installation control + Maintenance

System features:

  • Line-EDS-PS incorporates EMSi software for the integral management of installations.
  • Access EMSi from any web browser, whether in local or remote mode.
  • Does not require installing and maintaining a local server.
  • Generic Modbus driver to add any device on the market.
  • Internal memory for data analysis and traceability using graphs and tables.
  • Energy consumption management.
  • Automatic control of installations.
  • Alarms and billing simulation for proper maintenance.

Accessible via Webserver or PowerStudio

Accessible via Webserver or PowerStudio

Monitoring and control system using
Line-EDS + PowerStudio

Monitoring and control system using
Line-EDS + PowerStudio

System features:

  • Manage your installation from your own server (PowerStudio Server).
  • Add as many devices as you want with PowerStudio Server.
  • Access EMSi from any web browser, whether in local or remote mode.
  • Redundant database through the installation of Line-EDS-PS devices.
  • No limit on memory for data analysis and traceability using graphs and tables.

Features of the monitoring and control system using Line-EDS-PS

System monitoring and control using PowerStudio

System monitoring and control using PowerStudio

System features:

  • Create your Line solution using as many devices as you need, and expand it at any time.
  • Manage your installation from your own server (PowerStudio software).
  • Access EMSi from any web browser, whether in local or remote mode.
  • Add as many devices to your communications network as you want with PowerStudio.
  • No limit on memory for data analysis and traceability using graphs and tables.

Discover the 4 types of management in this webinar

Discover the 4 types of management in this webinar

Line system devices

Complete modular system for energy management









Modem for 3G communications


Datalogger with integrated Webserver



Power analyzer



Input/output modules



Module with 20 digital inputs



RS-485 to Ethernet/Wi-Fi converter


Power supply


Discover more about the first and unique EMSi of the market

Download the catalogue
LINE. integral Energy Management System, is that easy as that!


 Download the datasheets 

Why should I protect my facility with Type B Earth Leakage Protection?

IEC 60755 establishes the types of earth leakage protection, defining them according to the type of leak that they measure and protect against.

The leak basically depends on the type of charge that it comes from. Therefore, taking the most basic example, a purely resistive charge (the classic Edison incandescent light bulb, for example), provided it is powered by a source using alternating current, will leak to earth with a perfectly sinusoidal differential current.

But load types have developed exponentially since Edison's time. Especially in relation to the use of loads for power electronics, which have become widespread in recent years. Type B earth leakage protection is the only protection that safeguards people and loads against leakage of alternating current (AC), direct current (DC) or mixed current (AC/DC).

Types of earth leakage protection

The IEC 60755, IEC61008-1, IEC 62423 and IEC-60947-2-M standards establish the following types of earth leakage protection:

AC type protection

This protects against alternating sinusoidal currents, applied both suddenly as well as smoothly and progressively.

Although it’s prohibited in some countries in the European Union, in Spain its use is mainly extended to the domestic level, where more basic loads predominate.

Type A protection

This one deals with the same cases as the AC type and also includes:

  • Protection for direct pulsating currents
  • Protection for direct pulsating currents superimposed on a continuous earth leakage current of up to 6 mA

These are applied with or without angle control, regardless of polarity, that may appear both suddenly as well as smoothly and progressively.

It’s the commonest protection type in industrial settings and, in some parts of Europe, it’s also compulsory for domestic use.

Type F protection

This covers the scenarios included in type A (remembering that type AC has already been mentioned) and it also provides:

  • Protection for composite earth leakage alternating currents (including wave composition with frequencies of 1 kHz), appearing both suddenly as well as smoothly and progressively, intended for circuits powered between phase and neutral or phase and the grounded middle conductor.
  • Protection for alternating earth leakage currents superimposed on a smoothed direct current (mixed current).

These types of earth leakage are the least commonly used; they are mostly used in special single-phase applications.

Type B protection

It deals with the scenarios for type F (that is, type AC + type A) and also provides:

  • Protection for sinusoidal differential currents up to 1000 Hz
  • Protection for alternating earth leakage currents superimposed on smoothed direct currents up to 0.4 times the nominal sensitivity of the protection device or up to 10 mA (whichever is higher)
  • Protection for smoothed continuous earth leakage currents.
  • Protection for pure continuous earth leakage currents that may arise from correcting electrical circuits (for example, 3 or 6 pulse bridge connections) that are applied with or without angle control, regardless of polarity, that appear both suddenly as well as smoothly and progressively.

This is the most complete type of protection. It guarantees the measurement and protection against loads of alternating current, pulsating current or pure direct current.

Typical loads and applications that need to use type B differential protection

The way charges have developed over the 21st century presents a response as described in the cases referred to in the description of the leakage types protected by type B earth leakage protection. The most typical applications and loads are as follows:

Industry: Variable speed drives, used in countless different processes, such as conveyor belts, air conditioning, pumps, cranes, elevators of any kind, etc. In short, any process that requires a variable speed movement to carry out its function. What motor does not incorporate a drive nowadays?


Offices: UPSs for data protection centres


EV charging: EV charging points. Photovoltaics

EV charging

Equipment with power electronics, Inverters, Harmonic filtering (active filter), etc.

Equipment with power electronics

When should I protect my loads with Type B protection? Legal framework and requirements for earth leakage protection TYPE B

In Spain the Low Voltage electrotechnical regulation (REBT 2002) establishes in ITC-BT-24 (Spanish) the obligation to protect the installation against direct and indirect contacts for installations with type TT earth connection plans (all the mass of the electrical equipment and the neutral of the transformer on the same earth).

However, except for ITC-BT-52 (Official State Bulletin No. 316), which is specifically for EV recharging points and where it is established that the protection will be type B or type A with a supplementary protection for continuous currents of values greater than 6 mA, the regulation does not establish any advice or criteria for selecting the type of earth leakage in our facility.

So, how do I choose for other cases?

We’ve already shown that the type of earth leakage dictates the type of loads it protects from, based on its response. It makes sense, therefore, to bear in mind that each load will use a type of earth leakage protection based on the type of earth leakage it can present.

IEC 60755 standard sets out the general requirements for residual current devices. It establishes the different types of leakage in relation to the different types of charges.

Nobody understands the way loads respond better than the manufacturer itself.

Therefore, when we select a type of earth leakage protection, we must consult the load manuals containing instructions on how to manage its correct protection. Otherwise, in the event of an equipment malfunction, or worse, in the event of an electrical incident due to human error, by not following the manufacturer's instructions, the responsibility for misuse will obviously rest with the end user.

The most reputable manufacturers of drives, UPSs, electric vehicle recharging units, active filters, etc. specify in the section on installation recommendations or warnings the correct load protection and for avoiding untimely trips, the earth leakage protection to be installed must be TYPE B.

Manual example of a 6-pulse drive manufacturer:

Compatibility with RCCBs

Compatibility with RCCBs.
If you are installing an earth leakage protection device (RCD), the frequency converter will function without unwanted tripping and will provide adequate protection whenever a type B earth leakage device is used

Vertical selectivity

We have seen that in order to select the type of earth leakage protection we need, we must look at the load response. However, when we install earth leakage devices in series, upstream of the charge, what selection criteria should we use?

This is what is known as vertical selectivity. The correct selection of the characteristics of the earth leakage devices in series, from the beginning of the charge, through the set of charges (sub-frames) and reaching the protection of the mains panels, should not only take into account the type of charge, but also we must consider other aspects that will indicate the correct coordination of the protection system.

These 3 conditions must always be met in vertical selectivity:

  • Ammeter: The sensitivity of an earth leakage must be at least 3 times the sensitivity of the earth leakage device installed downstream.
  • Chronometric: The time response of an earth leakage device must be at least twice the maximum time of the earth leakage device installed downstream.
  • Type: The earth leakage must be of the same type or higher than the earth leakage device installed downstream

Thus, for vertical coordination of types of earth leakage device, the following table may be helpful:

vertical coordination of types of earth leakage device

Therefore, whenever we protect a load with type B protection, all the protection that is in series upstream (subframes, general earth leakage protection) must also be type B

CIRCUTOR Solutions for Type B Earth Leakage Protection

Given the growing requirement of users to cover protections of this type of charge, CIRCUTOR has a wide range of type B earth leakage protection solutions.

IDB-4IDB-4: 4-pole type B RCCB for three-phase and single-phase installations up to 63 A. Sensitivity of 30 or 300 mA (direct earth leakage device), instantaneous trip time.

WGB-35-TBWGB-35-TB: Earth leakage relay with transformer included (MRCD), for loads up to 125 A. Sensitivities of 30 or 300 mA, instantaneous or selective trip time.

RGU-10BRGU-10B: Earth leakage relay associated with transformers of the WGC-TB (MRCD) range, up to 180 mm internal diameter, allowing protection of charges of up to 800 A. Sensitivity from 100 mA, programmable trip time.

RGU-10BRGU-100B: Earth leakage relay associated with transformers of the WGB (MRCD) range, up to 110 mm internal diameter, allowing protection of loads of up to 400 A. Sensitivity from 30 mA, instantaneous and programmable trip time.

RGU-10BCBS-400B: Earth leakage relay associated with transformers of the WGB (MRCD) range, up to 110 mm internal diameter, allowing protection of loads of up to 400 A. Sensitivity from 30 mA. With 4 channels for the protection of 4 totally independent circuits. Instantaneous and programmable trip time.

In addition to the protection systems mentioned above, CIRCUTOR also has a novel and innovative type B earth leakage protection system with automatic reconnection:

RECBRECB: 4-pole type B RCCB with automatic reclosing for three-phase and single-phase installations up to 63 A. Sensitivity of 30 or 300 mA (direct differential device). Instantaneous trip time.


We have seen how the different types of earth leakage devices (AC, A, F and B) are defined, according to international framework regulations, and according to the type of leakage they protect against. In other words: the type of earth leakage device is intrinsically linked to the operation and technology of the load to be protected.

It is therefore essential, for the correct selection of the type of earth leakage device, to know what response it has and how the load to be protected works. Manufacturers of the loads, in their manuals and advice, will indicate the approach to take and how to make the selection.

It is equally important to respect all vertical selectivity conditions for the correct coordination of our protection upstream of the charge and at the head of the installation, also respecting the type of earth leakage device.

With these basic guidelines, we will not only ensure maximum continuity of service to preserve the protection of the charges and assets of our facility, but we will also guarantee the safety of individuals.

Joan Auleda
Product Manager Circutor

Discover the new CVM-E3-MINI-WiEth

Easier than ever, now with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Easier than ever, now with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.


The CVM-E3-MINI-WiEth power analyzer lets you gather information on the energy consumption and electrical parameters of your installation quickly and easily. It has Ethernet and Wi-Fi communications that provide real-time information to the Energy Management System (EMS), without having to install wiring for communications.

Its Bluetooth connectivity can be used to set up communications parameters (Ethernet or Wi-Fi) through the free MyConfig app on your mobile or tablet, without having to physically access the device.

“Connect it to your LAN and configure its communications from your own smartphone or tablet to start managing electrical variables and energy consumption of your installation.”

You don’t need anything else

Wi-Fi connection
Wi-Fi connection

Connect the analyzer to your Wi-Fi network and start registering all your consumptions and electrical parameters from your installation. Check the Wi-Fi coverage and assigned IP address directly from its display.

Conexión Wi-Fi

Manage your installation wirelessly.

Ethernet connection
Ethernet connection

Connect the analyzer to your Wi-Fi network and start registering all your consumptions and electrical parameters from your installation. Quickly check the device IP and MAC address by its display any time.

Conexión Ethernet

Connect the analyzer to the local network and start measuring.

Bluetooth connection
Bluetooth connection

Use Bluetooth connectivity to program Ethernet or Wi-Fi communications without the need for a computer.

With the free MyConfig app, you can set up the communications on your power analyzer quickly and easily.

Conexión por Bluetooth

Easily set up Bluetooth communications

 Easily set up Bluetooth communications

Manage your energy consumption and electrical parameters

The CVM-E3-MINI-WiEth Power Analyzer lets you know the consumption of active, reactive inductive, reactive capacitive and apparent energy as well as record and display the cost of energy, CO2 emissions and operating hours for preventive maintenance. The device has measurement in 4 quadrants so it also accumulates these same variables in energy generation.

Install it in panels to verify the quality of consumption of your installation, since in addition to electrical variables such as voltage, current, power and power factor (monitors more than 250 variables) you can also check the distortion caused by the harmonics present in your installation both at a total level through the THD% and checking each harmonic individually up to 31º in voltage and current.



  • Up to 250 electrical parameters (RMS, maximum and minimum)
  • Consumed and generated energies
  • IP address and Wi-Fi coverage level on display
  • Website and free app to set up communications

Manage your energy consumption and electrical parameters

Configure your communications in any situation

The flexibility of the CVM-E3-MINI-WiEth analyzer allows you to set up your communications quickly, safely and easily. You can do this in the following ways:

  • By Bluetooth using the MyConfig app.
    You don't need to carry a computer to the facility to set the IP address and leave the analyzer connected to the LAN.

  • By web page via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
    Connect to the analyzer through a web server and easily configure all its parameters from your own computer if you are connected to the same LAN. Use any browser to program its IP and other communication settings.

  • By using its display
    Programs the communications of the device directly through its display. Once configured you can check the IP and parameters set as well as the level of Wi-Fi coverage if you are connecting wirelessly.

Discover how it works

Remotely solves wiring errors

Solve any error in the programming or physical wiring of the analyzer through the PowerStudio software. Saves on indirect costs in commissioning and configuration.

Voltage & current phase connection error

Voltage & current phase connection error

The voltage wiring must correspond to the current wiring of the same phase. If this does not happen, it means that the installation has been performed incorrectly. This will cause values such as power, cos phi, PF or energies to be incorrect.

Error installing current sensors

Error installing current sensors

The installation of the current transformers must be correct, following the flow direction of the load. If a transformer is installed reversed, the current will be displayed as generated current instead of consumed or vice versa, having an error in the total energy register.

“Solve any problem remotely from the PowerStudio software, avoiding trips to the installation and the associated cost.”

Compatible with all kind of transformers

Compatible with all kind of transformers

More information

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Electric cars: Fashion, trend or reality?

We tend to think of electric cars as a disruptive technology

We believe that this is a radical change in mobility, but really the first electric cars already appeared in the early nineteenth century (1832/1839). At the time there were already rumours about cars that made no sound and emitted no smell (in the same way combustion cars would have been at the time) and there was already talk of the importance of autonomy. At the beginning of the 20th century these cars evolved to be able to travel distances greater than 100 miles.

Electric cars: Fashion, trend or reality?However, at the same time Colonel Drake appeared on the scene with his oil wells in the United States, and also Henry Ford with his Ford T, the first combustion car made on an assembly line, and the first great battle between the electric car and the combustion car was won by the latter.

But now, in the 21st century, the situation is very different. The problem with fossil fuels, worldwide legislation promoting electric mobility (Europe has implemented “aggressive” regulations to reduce the greenhouse effect in order to comply with the Paris Climate Agreement) and, above all, the serious problems associated with pollution worldwide, make the electric vehicle a key element in the transformation of society towards a more responsible attitude and awareness of environmental issues.

When thinking of potential future users of electric vehicles, there are two major concerns: firstly, the cost of an EV and secondly, the availability of charging points on public roads, known as emergency recharging.

Recently, Erik Jonnaert, the secretary general of ACEA, (European Association of Automobile Manufacturers) published an article in which he explained that the automobile sector is experiencing one of the greatest periods of transformation in its history, which will mean that “in three years’ time, an electric car will cost a similar amount to a conventional car.”

Electric cars: Fashion, trend or reality?Regarding the availability of charging points on public roads, an article has been published, which refers to the fact that there are currently 100,000 charging points in the European Union and it is expected that by 2025 this figure will multiply by 20 until it achieves 2 million stations.

To contribute towards achieving this objective, Circutor, a Spanish company and pioneer at a European level, has been working over the last ten years to offer recharging solutions for each of the requirements that electric vehicle users may have, both on public roads with direct current equipment (rapid charge), as well as in private use (linked charge) with alternating current equipment (slow charge).


This is a slower charge, using alternating current (from 3.7 kW to 22 kW Circutor eHome and eNext models), which connects to you car’s parking space. The main objective of this way of charging is to take advantage of the night-time hours when most people have their car parked, charging it in 6 to 8 hours, during which time the power required can be released from our home at night and can be obtained at a very low-cost electricity rate.

Electric cars: Fashion, trend or reality?


On public roads there are two types of solutions, the semi-rapid one which can be found in shopping centres and hotels. This would use an alternating current recharge with a maximum power of 22 kW (URBAN model by Circutor).

The second solution is the faster one and is designed for service stations that offer electric recharging, these are known as electricity stations. For these, recharging is carried out with direct current (50/150 kW Circutor's Raption Model), and the time required must be as short as possible, not more than 30 minutes.

Electric cars: Fashion, trend or reality?

The combination and implementation of the different recharging types begin to guarantee the user the ability to travel in Electric Vehicles with the same promise of autonomy that combustion vehicles offer today, but while enjoying a whole new driving experience, and most importantly respecting the environment and building a sustainable future for the generations to come.

The imminent deployment of charging points, in combination with commitments from large automobile manufacturers as well as growing public awareness, leave no doubt in our minds and allow us to vouch wholeheartedly that the Electric Vehicle is not a passing fashion or trend, but it is a reality and a global commitment, which will radically change, and is already changing, our current mobility model.

Electric cars: Fashion, trend or reality?



Vial Sant Jordi s/n, 08232
Viladecavalls (Barcelona) Spain
Tel: (+34) 93 745 29 00
Fax (+34) 93 745 29 14

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Tel. (+34) 93 745 29 19


Testing and Calibration

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