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What’s wrong with the Link Tax? (an FAQ)

Common questions and answers on the Link Tax – from OpenMedia’s community
Image for Don’t let Minister Guilbeault break streaming!

Don’t let Minister Guilbeault break streaming!

Everyone loses with Guilbeault’s reckless Streaming Tax. But if we flood his inbox with emails, he’ll be forced to drop this harebrained plan to save face.
Image for Tell Minister Guilbeault to kill the Link Tax NOW!

Tell Minister Guilbeault to kill the Link Tax NOW!

Minister Guilbeault is planning to give media giants the power to charge fees for sharing links by copyrighting tiny preview snippets. We can stop this. Message him now!

Infrastructure Bank expands broadband funding, but universal connectivity priorities remain unclear

Canada still needs a national strategy to outline when each household will be connected, and how
Image for You made it happen: Your outrage at government’s coziness with Big Telecom on full display

You made it happen: Your outrage at government’s coziness with Big Telecom on full display

OpenMedia’s mobile billboard ads just finished circling Parliament, the CRTC, and the Toronto International Film Festival — all ramping up our relentless pressure on the federal government to fix Canada’s Internet.

Throne speech moves us no closer to connecting Canadians

Fast and affordable Internet still on hold while government chases after Big Tech
Image for Connect our Kids!

Connect our Kids!

Tell your local and provincial representatives it's time to ensure every student has an adequate device and Internet connection for school.
Image for Done Waiting

Done Waiting

As a voter in their riding, your MP knows you’re watching their actions and will be deciding whether to vote for them in the next Federal election. Email them now and demand to know what real action they’re taking for Internet affordability!

Mobile billboards highlight government’s failure to support much-needed Internet during pandemic

A mobile billboard campaign circling Parliament is demanding to know why the federal government has not supported the affordability and availability of Internet in Canada during the pandemic.
Image for Minister Bains just undermined Canada’s best chance for affordable Internet

Minister Bains just undermined Canada’s best chance for affordable Internet

The government's August 15 decision sided with Big Telecom over Canadians, and we're already seeing Internet bills going up.

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet.

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