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Jarrod Sadulski

Terrorism Remains a Threat During the Coronavirus Pandemic

By Dr. Jarrod Sadulski

During coronavirus, people are spending more time online, which gives terrorists greater opportunities to recruit sympathizers and potential lone wolves. Learn more about increasing terrorism threats during the pandemic.

Florida Governor Introduces New Anti-Riot Legislation

By Dr. Jarrod Sadulski

Florida, like many states, has seen violence and unrest as the result of protests and riots. Learn about the details of proposed anti-rioting legislation aimed to punish looters. 

Podcast: Human Trafficking is on the Rise in Rural America

In this podcast episode, AMU criminal justice professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks to Dr. Christi Bartman about her work in rural Ohio to dispel myths about human trafficking and provide education, awareness, and resources to trafficking victims.

Leading the Battle Against the Drug Traffickers of Colombia

By Dr. Jarrod Sadulski and Major Efren Munoz

Drug traffickers in Colombia can buy anything they need to protect their illegal empire. Learn how law enforcement has overcome such challenges to arrest notorious drug lords.

Cracking Down on the MS-13 Gang, Threat to the Homeland  

By Dr. Jarrod Sadulski

It's estimated there are 10,000 MS-13 gang members in the U.S. This gang is known for violence and criminal activities like drug and human trafficking. Learn about federal law enforcement's new aggressive measures against gang members and leaders.

Podcast: Role of INTERPOL in Fighting International Crime

Many criminal activities like human trafficking, cybercrime, drug trafficking, and organized crime go beyond national borders. In this episode, AMU criminal justice professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks with Mikel Irizar, Operations Specialist at INTERPOL’s Command and Coordination Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Learn how INTERPOL assists its 194 member-nations by coordinating criminal investigations, providing resources, sharing intelligence data, and more. 

Why Human Trafficking Has Increased during COVID-19

By Dr. Jarrod Sadulski

The economic impacts of COVID-19 have made more people vulnerable to human trafficking. At the same time, law enforcement agencies are overburdened and have fewer resources to dedicate to investigating these crimes.