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Julian Assange’s Extradition Hearing

The Courage Foundation’s courtroom coverage of Julian Assange’s extradition hearing in London.
If he’s sent to the U.S., Assange would face up to 175 years in prison over unprecedented espionage charges for publishing truthful information in the public interest.

Support the WikiLeaks Defence Fund here

Your contribution to the WikiLeaks Defence Fund helps support a dedicated campaign team which advocates across the world build support for Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and the public’s right to know.

Events: Julian Assange, a free press & your right to know

Videos, articles, and resources from speakers at Courage’s recent events for Julian Assange and the threat his prosecution poses to the First Amendment, in New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C.

Civil society orgs condemn the arrest of Julian Assange

Scores of press freedom organisations, news outlets, United Nations representatives, politicians and public figures are speaking out against Julian Assange’s arrest and warning of its implications

Courage Foundation supports WikiLeaks

In May 2017, the Courage Foundation announced that publishing organisation WikiLeaks would be its newest beneficiary.

Courage Trustee and journalist John Pilger said:

In standing up for WikiLeaks, we are defending courage — the courage of those who say ‘no’ to the perennial bullies seeking a divine power over human affairs. Founded and led by Julian Assange, WikiLeaks has provided people all over the world with an armory of truth about wars and politics and the aims of violent, unaccountable power. This is real journalism and a principle of freedom so fundamental that its defeat would mean the conquest of all of us.

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