VideoLAN, projekt a nezisková organizácia.
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VLC media player

Program VLC je voľne šíriteľným, multi-platformovým multimediálnym prehrávačom s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom a súčasne ide o ucelené prostredie na prehrávanie väčšiny multimediálnych súborov a s podporou rôznych protokolov pre dátové toky a streamovanie.

Ostatné projekty tímu VideoLAN

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  • Donate to VLC
    VideoLAN je neziskovou organizáciou.
    Všetky naše náklady sú hradené z darov, ktoré dostaneme od používateľov našich programov. Ak radi používate niektorý produkt od tímu VideoLAN a páči sa Vám, prosím prispejte a podporte nás.
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  • Contribute Work to VLC
    VideoLAN je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom.
    To znamená, že ak máte potrebné znalosti a chcete vylepšiť niektorý z našich produktov, Vaša pomoc je vítaná.
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Šírte informácie
  • Spread VLC
    Máme pocit, že tím VideoLAN vytvoril ten najlepší softvér na prácu s videom, ktorý je dostupný za tú najlepšiu cenu: zadarmo. Ak s tým súhlasíte, prosím pomôžte nám šíriť informácie o našom softvéri.
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Novinky & aktualizácie


VideoLAN is proud to release the new major version of VLC for Android. A complete design rework has been done. The navigation is now at the bottom for a better experience. The Video player has also been completely revamped for a more modern look. The video grouping has been improved and lets you create custom groups. You can also easily share your media with your friends. The settings have been simplified and a lot of bugs have been fixed.


Today, VideoLAN is publishing the VLC release for macOS, which notably solves an audio rendering regression introduced in the last update specific to that platform. Additionally, it improves playback of HLS streams, WebVTT subtitles and UPnP discovery.


VideoLAN is now publishing the VLC 3.0.11 release, which improves HLS playback and seeking certain m4a files as well as AAC playback. Additionally, this solves an audio rendering regression on macOS when pausing playback and adds further bug fixes. Additionally, a security issue was resolved.
More information available on the release page.


VideoLAN is now publishing the VLC 3.0.10 release, which improves DVD, macOS Catalina, adaptive streaming, SMB and AV1 support, and fixes some important security issues.
More information available on the release page.
We are also releasing new versions for iOS (3.2.8) and Android 3.2.11 for the same security issues.


VideoLAN is publishing updates to VLC on iOS and tvOS, to fix numerous small issues, add passcode protection on the web sharing, and improve the quick actions and the stability of the application.

Viac noviniek

Blogy vývojárov

Jean-Baptiste Kempf: dav1d 0.7.1

Release 0.7.1 We just did a small release of dav1d called 0.7.1, just one month after 0.7.0. It is a quick release that fixes a couple of bugs and that does more optimizations on ARM32 and SSE2. ARM 32-bit After spending a lot of ti[...]

Jean-Baptiste Kempf: dav1d 0.7.0: mobile focus

tl;dr Dav1d new release: 10% faster on Intel CPUs with 25% less RAM, assembly finished for 8bit ARM64 assembly mostly done for 10/12bit in addition to 8bit dav1d is twice as fast as gav1 on ARM CPU and 4 times faster for 10b 1080p AV1 dec[...]

Sociálne médiá

[KiborCHe] @videolan 👏👏👏👏👏

[threedeyes] VLC media player @videolan for @haikuOS with native audio and video output modules

[mjg59] - the idea that any software-based DRM will never be broken is absolute magical thinking. I…

[FFII] FFII call to donate to save Europe from Software Patents #swpat #bundestag #europe #patents #germany

[AledPowell] Mae fersiwn 3.3.1 chwaraeydd VLC gan @videolan wedi ei ryddhau. Mae ar gael am ddim ac yn Gymraeg ar Android ar gy…