
HomeAdvisor is the #1 home improvement app for connecting homeowners with home service contractors. Find the best local contractors from our network, featuring hundreds of thousands of customer-rated pros specializing in more than 500 home renovation, repair and maintenance projects.

Schedule your next appointment with the HomeAdvisor app - the fastest and easiest way to find top contractors. Whether you need help with home remodeling, home improvement, home repair, roofing, maintenance, or anything else around the house, we can connect you with the pro you need.

HomeAdvisor’s free home improvement app lets you discover and compare contractors, read reviews from real customers, view pricing, and schedule their appointments.

Schedule home improvement appointments quickly with our instant booking option, so you can book the best local contractors without having to play phone tag. Get upfront pricing and pay pros directly through the app.

Remodeling and renovation projects are now easier than ever when you find and book a contractor through HomeAdvisor. From landscape design to pest control to home renovation, HomeAdvisor can find you the professional for the job.

Download HomeAdvisor for free today and find contractors for your home improvement and repair projects anytime, anywhere.

HomeAdvisor Features:

- Discover home improvement professionals and compare their ratings and reviews
- Search HomeAdvisor’s extensive network of contractors for any home renovation need
- Book contractors and set up appointments instantly with local, available pros
- View contractor ratings and reviews from real customers

- Compare home services costs for hundreds of home projects with True Cost Guide
- Get upfront pricing on your home projects
- Track contractors and home improvement projects
- Pay pros directly through the HomeAdvisor app

Find and hire contractors for home remodel, repair and improvement projects, including:
- Remodeling & Additions (Kitchen & Bathroom Remodels)
- Roofing
- House painting
- House Cleaning & Maid Services
- Windows
- Tree Services
- Renovation
- Concrete
- Handyman Services
- Electrician
- Heating & Furnace Systems
- Pest Control
- Decks
- Foundations
- Plumbing professional
- Lawn care & maintenance
- Landscaping
- Lawn mower
- Garage Doors
- Siding
- Tile
- Fences

Find home remodeling, improvement & repair contractors with HomeAdvisor – the fastest and easiest way to schedule the professionals and services you need. Download now and start your next home project!

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What’s New

Version 20.6.5

Use free, in-app video chat to connect with home pros. Discuss project details, show project visuals and pay pros securely right in the app — all from the comfort and convenience of your own home.

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Ratings and Reviews

4.5 out of 5
22.3K Ratings

22.3K Ratings

Needs a 12 step mtg ,

Rating the app, NOT the pro

I’m not sure why so many reviewers are such idiots- if you want to review the app, you do it here. To review the contractor you hired *from* the app, do it from that person’s/ company’s page *in* the app... it’s not HomeAdvisor calling you to check on the service, it’s the company you contracted with! It’s not HomeAdvisor setting the time of service, or calling to remind you, IT’S THE COMPANY YOU HIRED!!!! Seriously, how do you people make it thru the day without an ounce of intelligence or common sense?
The app seems to work well so far, have several projects I’m trying to contract out, & HomeAdvisor helps me keep everything straight in my head, from which companies are contacting me for which project. I’d like it if I could delete companies I don’t hire, easily add a company to my contacts from the app, & to be able to add appts to calendar from the app. Otherwise, does what it should, WHICH IS TO CONNECT ME TO A CONTRACTOR OR COMPANY that can complete jobs around the house, & to collect reviews from others, about those companies, & list them so I can do research before inviting ppl i don’t know into my home.

Anon236391 ,

Needs a cancel feature

I was shopping around for contractors to do some renovations and repairs. I’ve used other apps/websites (Angie’s List, Thunbtack) for similar things successfully in the past. At the end of answering all the questions, there was no contractors available to do what I was looking for, which was weird since it’s not a complicated job and there’s a quite a few general contractors around this area.

I tried again, and this time it found 2 contractors... both were not specialized in the work I wanted done and neither were the type I was looking for, nor were they local. Unfortunately, I couldn’t cancel the project on the app. I eventually got an email asking how my project was going, and that’s when I finally was able to cancel. In the meantime, I kept getting calls from Home Advisor (not contractors) asking if they could send me recommended contractors, and by no surprise, the ones they recommend I contact are the same exact 2 that I didn’t want to use. I deleted the app, and likely won’t use it again, they are really bothersome and will call you everyday to check on how your “project” is going, which might be nice for some people, but I just found really bothersome.

App needs a cancel project feature and a “do not call/contact me” feature.

E.M. 78225 ,

Really??? People give them 5 stars?

I’ve used them three times now, hoping that each time might be different (which I know is the definition of insanity). I hired an A/C company that had a good sales guy, but a lousy install team. The second time was for a landscaper, no one called. The last time was for stucco work and there was only one contractor who called. I almost hired him because “Hey, Home Advisor knows what they’re doing right?”. Well after consulting two other contractors who were a bit higher priced, I found out that the way in which he was suggesting to repair the home would have caused more expensive problems than doing it right the first time. There were no other stucco contractors on their list. I am only 10 minutes away from a city of 100k+ people and they couldn’t find two other contractors for the area? Then there are the constant emails asking for reviews, suggesting other project ideas, etc. Plus if you’re not careful, you’ll answer the phone and have to get pulled into a 5 minute follow-up call and apology.
Do what our parents and grandparents did for decades before the golden age of technology. Ask friends and neighbors, call out of a directory, get multiple bids, and go with your gut. Worst-case scenario, go to Yelp and get your ratings there. At least you won’t be hassled by constant follow-up.


HomeAdvisor, Inc.
274.4 MB

Requires iOS 11.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Apple TV.



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  • Family Sharing

    With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app.

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