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What Is

Sentilo is the piece of architecture that isolates the applications that are developed to exploit the information “generated by the city” and the layer of sensors deployed across the city to collect and broadcast this information.

The Barcelona City Council, through the Municipal Institute of Informatics (IMI), started in November 2012 a project conceived for define the strategy and the necessary actions  in order to achieve global positioning Barcelona as a reference in the field of Smart Cities.

Sentilo is an open source sensor and actuator platform designed to fit in the Smart City architecture of any city who looks for openness and easy interoperability. It’s built, used, and supported by an active and diverse community of cities and companies that believe that using open standards and free software is the first smart decision a Smart City should take.

In order to avoid vertical solutions, Sentilo is designed as a cross platorm with the objective of sharing information between heterogeneous systems and to easily integrate legacy applications.

What is provided in Sentilo ?

  • A front-end for message processing, with a simple REST API
  • A administration console for configure the systrem and manage the catalog
  • A memory database, aimed to acomplish high performance rates
  • A non-SQL database, in order to get a more flexible and scalable system
  • A universal viewer, provided as a public demo what can be used as a start point for specific business visualizers.
  • A basic statistics module that records and display basic platform performance indicators.
  • An extensible component architecture, to enlarge the platform funcionality without modifying the core system. Sentilo starts with an initial set of agents: one for exporting data to relational databases and another to process internal alarms based on basic rules

If you want more information about why using and installing Sentilo you can read and download one more complete document here.

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