You should have 4 components up & running: - Redis Server - MongoDB - Sentilo API, running at - Sentilo Catalog, running at
The installation covered by the section Sentilo Setup. ( No need to setup any agents or other optional components such as Elasticsearch or OpenTSDB). Alternatively, you can use our VM.
Create a Provider, Component and a Sensor¶
In order to create a publication of sensor data, we have to create first the Provider, Component and a Sensor.
We’ll do that from the catalog application as superuser, using the admin/1234 credentials.
A provider is an entity that manages devices (sensors). We’ll have to create one from the menu “Providers” -> “New Provider”
A component is a device that contains one or more sensors (such as a Raspberry PI). We’ll have to create one from the menu “Components” -> “New Component”. Make sure you select the provider created above.
Finally, we’ll have to create a sensor from the menu “Sensors” -> “New Sensor”. Make sure you select the component created above. Please select a numeric type of sensor.
Publish an Observation¶
In order to publish an observation, we’ll use Sentilo’s HTTP REST API. For that you can use the curl program of some more graphical tool such as Postman:
curl -X PUT -H "IDENTITY_KEY: <your provider's token>" http://<your sentilo url>/data/<your provider>/<your sensor>/42.0
The server should respond with HTTP status 200.
Read your Observations¶
curl -X GET -H "IDENTITY_KEY: <YOUR_KEY>" http://<your sentilo url>/data/<your provider>/<your sensor>
The response would be similar to:
"observations": [
"value": "42.0",
"timestamp": "22/11/2016T11:52:28",
"location": ""
Also, on the “Latest Data” tab of the sensor’s page in the catalog will appear your value, in this case, a 42.0.
What next?¶
Check the API documentation here.