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On May 20, 2004, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Industrial Supervision Service and Federal Nuclear Supervision Service were transformed into Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service.

Federal Supervision Service in the Sphere of Environment and Nature Management was transformed into Federal Supervision Service in the Sphere of Nature Management, and the functions in the sphere of environmental supervision were entrusted with Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service. 

December 23 — professional day of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Resolution of the College of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service No. 3 of 04.08.2006).

Mining and Industrial Supervision

December 10 (December 23 (New Style), 1719 — Peter the Great endorses the Decree on Establishment of the Berg-College.

September 11, 1723 – Peter the Great signs the personal order to the Berg-College to send expedition to explore coal in the Dnieper basin.

October 21, 1773 гCatherine the Great signs the Decree on Establishment of Mining School.

January 19, 1804 — Alexander I transforms the mining school into a mining military school in order to expand the educational programme of the mining specialists.

June 13, 1806 гformation of Mining Department under the Ministry of Finance.

July 13, 1806 г. — adoption of the first Mining Statute.

January 7, 1818 — adoption of the law on supervision in private mines and plants in respect of their safety.

February 23, 1825 — by the order of Alexander I, the first issue of the Mining Journal is published.

June 1, 1882 — Factory Inspection is established.

June 24 and July 2, 1888 — Instruction on Performance of Surveyor Works and Instruction on Performance of Mining Works are endorsed.

March 9, 1892 — Special Mining and Plant Inspection is established.

March 14, 1894 — boiler supervision exercised by province mechanics since 1843 is transferred to Factory Inspection.

June 7, 1899 — Principal and province offices for factory and mining plant affairs are established.

January 30, 1922 — Central Mining Supervision Department (CMSD) is established.

May 19, 1927 — State Mining Engineering Inspection within the USSR People's Commissariat of Labour is organized.

October 17, 1947 — Principal Department of State Mining Supervision is established.

June 1, 1954 — Committee on Supervision of Safe Conduct of Work in Industry and Mining Supervision under the USSR Council of Ministers (USSR Gosgortechnadzor) is created.

April 24, 1958 — USSR Gosgortechnadzor is liquidated. The Republican Committees on Supervision of Safe Conduct of Work in Industry and Mining Supervision are established.

January 15, 1966 — on the basis of RSFSR Gosgortechnadzor, the Union-Republican State Committee on Supervision of Safe Conduct of Work in Industry and Mining Supervision under the USSR Council of Ministers (USSR Gosgortechnadzor) is established.

July 27, 1981 — USSR Gosgortechnadzor is transformed into the USSR Union-Republican State Committee.

September 10, 1990 — the State Committee on Supervision of Safe Conduct of Work in Industry and Mining Supervision under the RSFSR Council of Ministers (RSFSR Gosgortechnadzor) is established, transferred under the authority of the President of the RSFSR on December 3, 1991, and within the Government of Russia on May 6, 1992.

September 30 and November 16, 1992 — Gosgortechnadzor of Russia is reorganized into Federal Service of Russia for Supervision of Safe Conduct of Work in Industry and Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortechnadzor of Russia), respectively.

July 21, 1997 — Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" is adopted.

June 17, 1998 — Gosgortechnadzor of Russia becomes a federal executive body specially authorized in the field of industrial safety.

2001 — Provision on Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortechnadzor of Russia) is adopted.

March 9, 2004 — by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia is transformed into Federal Industrial Supervision Service with the control and supervision functions of the abolished Ministry of Power of the Russian Federation and transformed State Committee of the Russian Federation on Civil Engineering and Housing and Communal Complex.

Power Supervision

May 18, 1944 — by the ordinance of the State Committee of Defence, State Inspection of Industrial Power and Power Supervision under the USSR People's Commissariat of Power Plants is organized.

1963 — the inspectorates of Gosselenergonadzor and inspectorates of communal power of the ministries of communal economies of the Union republics are abolished, and their functions are entrusted with Gosenergonadzor.

June 29, 1967 — provisions "On State Power Supervision in the USSR" and "On State Boiler Supervision Inspectorate" are endorsed.

1980 — enterprises for electric power sales and control of its utilization are transferred to Gosenergonadzor.

November 4, 1983 — a new Provision on state power supervision in the USSR is adopted, which is the basis for endorsement in March 1985 of Provision on USSR Principal Department of State Power Supervision (USSR Glavgosenergonadzor), Provision on Regional Department of State Power Supervision, Provision on Department (Unit) of State Power Supervision of the Ministries.

May 12, 1993 — a new Provision on State Power Supervision in the Russian Federation is endorsed.

1996 — decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 8 "On Reorganization of Bodies of State Power Supervision in the Russian Federation" and of August 31 "On Amending and Supplementing the Provision on State Power Supervision in the Russian Federation" are endorsed.

August 12, 1998 — a new Provision on State Power Supervision in the Russian Federation is endorsed.

December 8, 1998 — Department of State Power Supervision and Energy Efficiency is established (formation of the unified state system of power supervision on the basis of the individual supervisory organizations and inspectorates previously existing in the fuel and power complex is completed).

January 28, 1999 — the Ministry of Fuel and Power of Russia issues the order "On State Power Supervision in the Russian Federation".

Nuclear and Radiation Safety Supervision

 1946 — State Service of Radiation Safety Control — Laboratory No. 2 is created (currently, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute").

1958 — the industrial research laboratory at Physical and Power Institute in Obninsk and the nuclear safety unit at Institute of Atomic Energy (currently, NRC "Kurchatov Institute") are established.

1963-1970 — Central Inspectorate of Boiler Supervision and Gas Supervision of the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building, 3rd Principal Department of the USSR Ministry of Health, and Physical and Power Institute supervise the safety of the NPPs.

October 22, 1970 — the ordinance of the USSR Council of Ministers "On Organization of State Supervision of Ensuring Technical and Nuclear Safety during Construction and Operation of Nuclear Plants, Experimental and Research Nuclear Reactors and Installations" is adopted under which the supervisory functions are entrusted with the 3rd Department of the USSR Ministry of Health, USSR Gosgortechnadzor and USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building.

1972 — special inspectorate for control of nuclear safety under the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building is created.

July 19, 1983 — the USSR State Committee on Supervision of Safe Conduct of Work in Atomic Energy (USSR Gosatomenergonadzor) is established.

June 27, 1989 — USSR Union-Republican Gospromatomnadzor is established on the basis of USSR Gosgortechnadzor and USSR Gospromatomnadzor.

December 31, 1991 — the State Committee on Supervision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety under the President of the Russian Federation (Gosatomnadzor of the RSFSR, later of Russia) is created.

November 21, 1995 — Federal Law "On the Use of Atomic Energy" is adopted.

April 22, 2002 — Provision on Federal Supervision of Russia on Nuclear and Radiation Safety is endorsed.

March 9, 2004 — by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Supervision of Russia on Nuclear and Radiation Safety is renamed Federal Nuclear Supervision Service.

Environmental Supervision

January 7, 1988 — the USSR State Committee of Nature Protection is established.

December 19, 1991 — the RSFSR law "On Natural Environment Protection" is adopted.

September 30, 1992 — the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation is reorganized into the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

November 23, 1995 — Federal Law "On Environmental Review" is adopted.

August 14, 1996 — on the basis of the abolished Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Committee of the Russian Federation on Water Economy, and Committee of the Russian Federation on Geology and Use of Subsoil, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Environment and Natural Resources Protection.

September 22, 1998 — the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Environment Protection are established.

May 17, 2000 — the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Environment Protection is abolished; its functions are entrusted with the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

January 10, 2002 — a new Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Environment Protection" is adopted.

Civil Engineering Supervision

February 1, 2006 — by the ordinance of the Government of the Russian Federation, Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service is authorized to implement civil engineering supervision.