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Basic Activities of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service

The Statute of Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service

The Service's Principal Activities


Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) is a federal executive body exercising functions of elaboration and implementation of the state policy and regulatory/legal control in the established sphere of activities, and in the sphere of industrial and nuclear supervision, functions of control and supervision in the sphere of safe conduct of work connected with the use of subsoil, industrial safety, safety in atomic energy uses (except activities on development, manufacture, testing, operation and disposal of nuclear weapon and military nuclear power installations), safety of electrical and thermal installations and networks (except household installations and networks), safety of hydraulic engineering structures (except navigable hydraulic engineering structures and those under supervision of institutions of local government), safety of production, storage and application of industrial explosives, and special functions in the field of state safety in the aforementioned sphere.

Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service is:

  • an authorized body of safety regulation in atomic energy uses (a federal state supervisory body in the field of atomic energy uses);

  • an authorized body in the field of industrial safety (a federal state supervisory body in the field of industrial safety);

  • a state mining supervision body;

  • a federal state power supervision body;

  • a federal state civil engineering body;

  • a regulatory body under the Convention on Nuclear Safety and the Joint Convention on Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, as well as a competent body of the Russian Federation under the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material.

Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service exercises its activities directly or through its territorial offices in coordination with the other federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, institutions of local government, social associations and other organizations.


Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service exercises control and supervision of:

  • observance of the codes and standards in the field of atomic energy uses, terms and conditions of permits (licenses) authorizing activities in the field of atomic energy uses;

  • nuclear, radiation, industrial and fire safety (at atomic energy facilities);

  • physical protection of nuclear installations, radiation sources, nuclear material and radioactive substance storage facilities, systems of unified state account and control of nuclear material, radioactive substance and radioactive waste;

  • implementation of the international obligations of the Russian Federation in the field of safety in atomic energy uses;

  • observance of industrial safety requirements in design, construction, operation, preservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities, manufacture, installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of technical devices applied in hazardous production facilities, and transportation of hazardous substance in hazardous production facilities;

  • observance, within its competence, of safety requirements in power industry;

  • safe conduct of work connected with the use of subsoil;

  • observance of fire safety requirements in underground facilities and during blasting operations;

  • observance by owners of hydraulic engineering structures and operating organizations (except navigable hydraulic engineering structures and those under supervision of institutions of local government) of safety codes and standards of hydraulic engineering structures;

  • observance, within its competence, of the requirements of the law of the Russian Federation in the field of radioactive waste management;

  • timely repatriation of irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors and products of their regeneration to the supplier's state with which the Russian Federation has concluded an international contract providing import to the Russian Federation of irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors with the purpose of temporary process storage and regeneration under the condition of repatriation of regeneration products (within its competence);

  • observance, within its competence, during design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of buildings and structures, of energy efficiency requirements, requirements for availability of accounting instruments of used power resources;

  • observance, within its competence, by owners of non-residential buildings and structures in the process of their operation of energy efficiency requirements imposed to such buildings and structures, requirements for availability of accounting instruments of used power resources;

  • observance by legal persons whose authorized capital has a share (contribution) of the Russian Federation, a constituent territory of the Russian Federation, or a municipal formation of more than 50 percent, and/or with respect to which the Russian Federation, a constituent territory of the Russian Federation, or a municipal formation has a right to directly or indirectly dispose of more than 50 percent of the total number of votes fr om the voting shares making up authorized capitals of such legal persons, by state-owned and municipal unitary enterprises, state-owned and municipal institutions, state-owned companies, state-owned corporations and also legal persons whose property or more than 50 percent of shares in the authorized capital belongs to state-owned corporations, of the requirement for adoption of programmes in the field of energy efficiency or enhancement of energy efficiency;

  • conduct of mandatory energy inspection in the established period of time.

  • observance of requirements of technical regulations in the established sphere of activity.

Under the law of the Russian Federation, Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service exercises licensing of activities in the field of atomic energy uses, as well as licensing of other types of activities referred to the competence of the Service.

Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service authorizes to:

  • conduct activities in the field of atomic energy uses to the workers of atomic energy facilities;

  • apply concrete types of technical devices in hazardous production facilities;

  • operate supervised hydraulic engineering structures;

  • perform emissions and discharges of radioactive substance into the environment;

  • apply industrial explosives and conduct work with the said materials.

Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service:

  • establishes standards of maximum allowable emissions of radioactive substance into atmospheric air and standards of allowable discharges of radioactive substance into water bodies;

  • registers hazardous production facilities and maintains the state register of such facilities;

  • conducts checks (inspections) of observance by legal and physical persons of the requirements of the law of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts, standards and rules in the established sphere of activity.

Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service agrees:

  • qualification manuals of positions of managers and specialists (employees) which define qualification requirements for workers authorized to conduct work in the field of atomic energy uses;

  • lists of radioisotope products the import and export of which do not require licenses;

  • rules of operation of hydraulic engineering structures;

  • boundaries of restricted areas of power network facilities.

Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service:

  • organizes and supports the function of the control system of atomic energy facilities in the event of accidents;

  • creates, develops and supports the function of the automated information and analytical service system, also for the purpose of the unified state automated system to monitor the radiation situation in the territory of the Russian Federation;

  • as part of the unified state system for prevention and mitigation of emergencies, manages the activities of the functional subsystems controlling chemically hazardous and explosive facilities, as well as nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities;

  • under the procedure established by the law of the Russian Federation, places orders and makes state contracts, as well as other civil and legal agreements on delivery of goods, execution of work and facilitation for state needs in the established sphere of activity;

  • issues conclusion of the compliance of a constructed, reconstructed or repaired facility of capital construction to requirements of technical regulations and design documentation;

  • approves safety declarations of supervised hydraulic engineering structures executed at the stage of operation and decommissioning of a hydraulic engineering structure, as well as after its reconstruction, overhaul, rehabilitation or preservation;

  • generalizes the practice of applying the law of the Russian Federation in the established sphere of activity;

  • develops, approves and enacts safety manuals in atomic energy uses (within its competence);

  • participates in activities on accreditation in the field of atomic energy uses;

  • implements functions of the principal administrator and recipient of the funds of the federal budget provided to upkeep the Service and realize the functions entrusted with the Service;

  • organizes reception of citizens, ensures that verbal and written enquiries from the citizens are reviewed and resolved in a timely and complete manner, and replies are directed to the applicants in a period established by the law of the Russian Federation;

  • provides, within its competence, protection of the information constituting the state secret;

  • provide preparedness activity of the Service, as well as control and coordination of actions of the jurisdictional organizations on their preparedness activity;

  • implements arrangement and conduct of civil defence in the Service, as well as control and coordination of the activity of the jurisdictional organizations on imp[lamenting their authorities in the field of civil defence;

  • organizes professional training, retraining, advanced training and probation of the workers of the Service;

  • under the established procedure, cooperates with the state power bodies of foreign states and international organizations in the established sphere of activity;

  • under the law of the Russian Federation, implements activities on acquisition, storage, account and utilization of archival documents generated during the process of the Service's activity;

  • implements other authorities in the established sphere of activity wh ere such authorities are envisaged by the federal laws, legal and regulatory acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.