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Rostechnadzor Took Part in 18th Meeting of Interstate Council for Industrial Safety


P109018911.JPGThe 18th meeting of the Interstate Council for Industrial Safety (ICIS) was held on September 16, 2020 in the format of video conference. The meeting was planned to be held in Minsk, but due to the restrictions associated with the spread of coronavirus infection, it was decided to work remotely. The meeting was attended by members of the Council and plenipotentiary representatives in ICIS of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation, and representatives of the CIS Executive Committee and the UN Economic Commission for Europe.

P1090197.JPGAs Chairman of the organization, the event was opened by Rostechnadzor chairman Alexey Aleshin. He greeted the participants and noted: “Despite certain restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, cooperation in the field of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities has been carried out in accordance with the adopted Work Plan of the Council for 2019-2020, as well as the decisions of the previous 17th meeting of the Council.”

Alexey Aleshin then gave the floor to the Deputy Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee Agybai Smagulov, who emphasized the high importance of the Interstate Council for Industrial Safety in ensuring the economic growth of the participating countries and assured those present of comprehensive support for the organization’s activities.

Further, Alexey Aleshin informed the participants that, in accordance with the Regulations on ICIS, the next year’s chairmanship goes to Belarus and gave the floor to Alexander Klobuk, head of the Department for Supervision of Safe Operations in Industry of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus.

Then the chairman of Rostechnadzor made a report on the work done within the Council. During the reporting period, ICIS exchanged statistical data on accidents and occupational injuries at hazardous production facilities in 2019. Information was regularly provided on good practices of control and supervisory activities and on the specifics of their implementation in the context of restrictive measures in the member countries of the Council. Interaction with international organizations such as the Eurasian Economic Commission, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) also saw some growth.

“The exchange of information on the specifics of the implementation of control, supervisory and licensing activities in 2020, as well as exchange of regulatory experience in applying international law and general requirements of the legislations in the field of industrial safety between the member countries of the Council has contributed to an increase in the level of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities, and hence facilitated protection of the citizens of our states,” Alexey Aleshin emphasized.

Dmitry Yakovlev, head of the Legal Department of Rostechnadzor, made a report on the comparative analysis of application of international law and general requirements of legislation in the field of industrial safety in the ICIS member states.

Azat Mubarakshin, head of the Informatization Department of Rostechnadzor, reported on digital transformation of the supervisory activities based on remote control mechanisms using the example of the Electronic Inspector program.

The participants summed up the results of the Council’s work in 2019 and 2020, reviewed the progress of the Plan of Main Actions aimed for the implementation of the Agreement on cooperation in the field of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities for the period up to 2020, and discussed the draft Plan for 2021-2026. They also discussed issues related to the methodology of organizing state supervision over the status of industrial safety, professional activity of young specialists, and certification of experts in the field of industrial safety. The agenda included 15 questions.

Before closing the meeting, the participants discussed its results and agreed on the texts of the decision and the minutes of the 18th ICIS meeting.

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