WhatsApp is testing more options for image compression

Recently, WhatsApp started to roll out the Multi Media Server service, for Android, iOS and Windows Phone users, ensuring a better sharing service, but WhatsApp is continuing to work on something that will improve the sharing, precisely about images.
In fact, WhatsApp is developing right now a feature that allows the app to automatically scan the image before sending it.
When WhatsApp scans the image, it detects if the image contains some texts: if so, WhatsApp will use a very different type of compression to send it, in order to ensure a good read to the recipient.
Therefore, WhatsApp is going to allow the user to share this type of images applying a very low level of compression, in future.
Actually, WhatsApp is internally testing this feature in WhatsApp for Android 2.17.339 Google Play beta (surely it will be available in future for iOS too), but it’s currently disabled by default: that means you have to wait that WhatsApp will remotely enable it in future in order to use it.
At the moment, for images that contain text, WhatsApp is still applying the same level of compression used for sharing images without texts, internally.
This level will be remotely modified before WhatsApp will remotely enable this feature: when WhatsApp will do, we will let you know the new level of compression.