Hendrik Heuer

  • Semantic and stylistic text analysis

    Master of Science
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology
    Aalto University

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    Bachelor project
    Spherical robot with a personality

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  • Music composition aid

    Bachelor of Science
    University of Bremen

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  • Blind Tennis

    iPhone music game

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The Public Availability of Machine Learning and its Harmful Secondary Effects

Data Power, Bremen, Germany, 2019
Video Together with Juliane Jarke.

Trust and Machine Learning

EASST European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 2018
Together with Andreas Breiter.

Beeinflussung durch Künstliche Intelligenz

34th Chaos Communication Congress, Leipzig, Germany, 2017
Video Slides
Together with Karen Ullrich. We were mentioned in Die Zeit and Süddeutsche Zeitung.
English Translation: Artificial Intelligence and how it influences our public life Video

Data Science for Digital Humanities: Extracting meaning from Images and Text

PyData, Berlin, Germany, 2017

Hacking Human Language

PyCon Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden, 2015


Data Science: Applied Machine Learning (Virtual)

University of Bremen, Summer Term 2020

CoVIS: CoCreating a Visualisation Information System (Master Project)

University of Bremen, Winter Term 2018, together with Andreas Breiter

Computational Social Science

University of Bremen, Summer Term 2018, together with Andreas Breiter

Data Science: Applied Machine Learning

University of Bremen, Summer Term 2018

AViDa - Analysis and Visualisation of Data (Bachelor Project)

University of Bremen, Winter Term 2017, together with Emese Stauke

Data Science

University of Bremen, Summer Term 2017

In Data We Trust: Fairness, accountability, and transparency

University of Bremen, Summer Term 2017, together with Juliane Jarke and Raoni Rajão

Information Technology Management II

University of Bremen, Winter Term 2016, together with Emese Stauke

The Future of Information Systems Education (Virtual Seminar)

University of Bremen, Winter Term 2016, together with Sara Hofmann

Student Supervision

I supervised the following final theses:


I'm the bass player of Die Tulpen (The Tulips) and was part of the Automatic Orchestra (Wired, Creative Applications).

If you would like to study abroad, I highly recommend the EIT Digital Master School.

I also highly recommend the Lisbon Machine Learning Summer School.

This website is based on the Avana theme by Designstub.