
The voice of The Apache Software Foundation

Apache Solr and Lucene – Atri Sharma

September 1, 2020


Apache Solr and Lucene are sister projects, in the search technology space. In this interview, Atri Sharma talks about the plan to make Solr an independent top level project at the Apache Software Foundation, rather than a sub-project of Lucene as it has long been.


Prefer video? https://youtu.be/RCCGk0zP81s

Apache Lucene: https://lucene.apache.org/

Apache Solr: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/

Search track at ApacheCon @Home 2020: https://www.apachecon.com/acah2020/tracks/search.html

Apache APISIX – Nirojan Selvanathan

June 15, 2020

Apache APISIX (Incubating) is Cloud-native microservices API gateway, delivering the ultimate performance, security, open source and scalable platform for all your APIs and microservices.

I spoke with Nirojan Selvanathan about what that means.

Prefer video? That’s here: https://youtu.be/NvVKuq5GUCs

APISIX website – http://apisix.apache.org/

Dmitriy Pavlov – Apache Ignite

May 4, 2020

Apache Ignite® is a horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant distributed in-memory computing platform for building real-time applications that can process terabytes of data with in-memory speed. Feathercast speaks with Dmitriy Pavlov to learn more about what that means.


Apache Ignite: https://ignite.apache.org/

Success at Apache: Why you’d want to become an Apache Committer, by Dmitriy Pavlov on the Apache Blog: https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/success-at-apache-why-you

If you prefer video, that’s here: https://youtu.be/lC1cO6L0eEY

Trevor Grant – Apache Mahout

April 27, 2020

mahoutApache Mahout is a project “For Creating Scalable Performant Machine Learning Applications”. Project member Trevor Grant talks about what that means.

Prefer video? It’s on YouTube.


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