November 2017

In the latest GREEN500 list, the top three positions are taken by newly installed systems in Japan, all of which are based on the ZettaScaler-2.2 architecture and the PEZY-SC2 accelerator. The SC2 is a second-generation 2048-core chip that provides a peak performance of 8.192 teraflops in single-precision.

The most efficient of these ZettaScaler supercomputers is the Shoubu system B installed at RIKEN’s Advanced Center for Computing and Communication. It achieved a power efficiency of 17.0 gigaflops/watt.

The number two Green500 system is the Suiren2 cluster at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization/KEK, which managed to reach 16.8 gigaflops/watt.

The number three Green500 slot was captured by the PEZY Computing’s own Sakura system. It achieved 14.2 gigaflops/watt. All of these top three systems are positioned in the bottom half of the TOP500 rankings: Shoubu system B at position 258, Suiren2 at 306, and Sakura at 275.

The fourth greenest supercomputer is a DGX SaturnV Volta system, which is installed at NVIDIA headquarters in San Jose, California. It achieved 15.1 gigaflops/watt, and comes in at number 149 on the TOP500 list. The number five system is Gyoukou, yet another ZettaScaler-2.2 machine.  It achieved an efficiency of 14.2 gigaflops/watt and it currently ranks as the fourth most powerful supercomputer in the world.

Green500 List for November 2017

Listed below are the November 2017 The Green500's energy-efficient supercomputers ranked from 1 to 10. For more information about the sites and systems in the list, click on the links or view the complete list.

Green500 Data

  • Shaded entries in the table below mean the power data is derived and not meassured.

Rank TOP500 Rank System Cores Rmax (TFlop/s) Power (kW) Power Efficiency (GFlops/watts)
1 260 Shoubu system B - ZettaScaler-2.2, Xeon D-1571 16C 1.3GHz, Infiniband EDR, PEZY-SC2, PEZY Computing / Exascaler Inc.
Advanced Center for Computing and Communication, RIKEN
794,400 842.0 50 17.009
2 308 Suiren2 - ZettaScaler-2.2, Xeon D-1571 16C 1.3GHz, Infiniband EDR, PEZY-SC2, PEZY Computing / Exascaler Inc.
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization /KEK
762,624 788.2 47 16.759
3 277 Sakura - ZettaScaler-2.2, Xeon E5-2618Lv3 8C 2.3GHz, Infiniband EDR, PEZY-SC2, PEZY Computing / Exascaler Inc.
PEZY Computing K.K.
794,400 824.7 50 16.657
4 4 Gyoukou - ZettaScaler-2.2 HPC system, Xeon D-1571 16C 1.3GHz, Infiniband EDR, PEZY-SC2 700Mhz, ExaScaler
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
19,860,000 19,135.8 1,350 14.173
5 196 AIST AI Cloud - NEC 4U-8GPU Server, Xeon E5-2630Lv4 10C 1.8GHz, Infiniband EDR, NVIDIA Tesla P100 SXM2, NEC
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
23,400 961.0 76 12.681
6 150 DGX SaturnV Volta - NVIDIA DGX-1 Volta36, Xeon E5-2698v4 20C 2.2GHz, Infiniband EDR, NVIDIA Tesla V100, Nvidia
NVIDIA Corporation
United States
22,440 1,070.0 97 11.031
7 420 RAIDEN GPU subsystem - NVIDIA DGX-1, Xeon E5-2698v4 20C 2.2GHz, Infiniband EDR, NVIDIA Tesla P100, Fujitsu
Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, RIKEN
11,712 635.1 60 10.603
8 116 Wilkes-2 - Dell C4130, Xeon E5-2650v4 12C 2.2GHz, Infiniband EDR, NVIDIA Tesla P100, Dell EMC
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom
21,240 1,193.0 114 10.428
9 13 TSUBAME3.0 - SGI ICE XA, IP139-SXM2, Xeon E5-2680v4 14C 2.4GHz, Intel Omni-Path, NVIDIA Tesla P100 SXM2, HPE
GSIC Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology
135,828 8,125.0 792 10.258
10 292 Reedbush-L - SGI Rackable C1102-GP8, Xeon E5-2695v4 18C 2.1GHz, Infiniband EDR, NVIDIA Tesla P100 NVLink, HPE
Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo
16,640 805.6 79 10.167