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Alcoholic Beverage Industry: Get Market Insights & Sales Statistics

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Major sectors under Alcoholic Drink

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Global Alcoholic Drinks Industry

The global alcoholic drinks industry (one of the two major segments of the beverage industry) was worth more than USD 1.2 trillion in 2015, according to Sprout Intelligence. It is projected to grow at a CAGR of 1.7% during the period 2016-2020, reports Infiniti Research.  Beer, cider and flavored alcoholic beverages represent the leading market segment with over half of the overall market value. The EU represents almost 57% of the world alcoholic drinks market.

The industry is characterized by fragmentation with the three leading companies holding almost 40% of overall market volume. The market is lead by Anheuser Busch, Miller Coors, Heineken Holdings, Carlsberg, Diageo, SABMiller, Bacardi Limited, and Kirin Holdings.

Alcoholic beverages include beer, cider, ale, wine (including sparkling, barley, and rice wine) and spirits such as rum, whiskey, brandy and vodka. Almost 40% of the world’s alcoholic beverage consumption involves branded drinks that are usually large companies operating at an international level and investing heavily in marketing to promote image and encourage consumer loyalty.

Alcohol Key Market Products

The world beer industry is expected to reach a value of $604.2bn by the end of 2019, a 4,1% increase in five years. Regular lager is the leading market segment, representing almost 56% of overall market value. The EU holds almost 48% of the global beer market.

The global cider market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.35% during the period 2017-2021 according to Infiniti Research. Growth is being driven by demand for organic products and drinks with low alcohol content. The UK is the world’s biggest and most rapidly expanding cider market, partly thanks to aggressive marketing, increased demand from young consumers, and rising disposable incomes.

The world wine market growth potential is more evident in developing nations such as India, China and Russia. Wine consumption is driven by claims of health benefits such as a degree of protection against cancer, cardiovascular disease, muscular degeneration and Alzheimer’s disease and evolving tastes. In recent years the market has been generating higher profits partly due to internet retail. Traditional regional leaders such as Italy and France are being forced to become more competitive to stave off rivals in the form of newer regions such as Australia and China. The global wine market is under pricing pressure due to a sizeable supply glut.

Technavio’s analysts forecast the global specialty spirits market to grow at a CAGR of 1.05% during the period 2016-2020. Whiskey leads the market, holding over 26% of overall market share. The EU represents almost 48% of the market’s overall value. Diageo is the top spirits company in the world, with over 5% of overall market volume.

Alcohol Industry Leaders

Leading companies on the global alcoholic beverage market include: US-based Bacardi, which produces and sells 10 types of rum and 200 other brands including Bombay Sapphire gin and Grey Goose vodka; the world’s leading wine retailer Constellation Wines; and Australian Foster's, which employs over 2,000 people, sells its products in over 45 countries and was purchased by SABMiller for nearly $12 billion in 2011. 

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