Podcast: Role of INTERPOL in Fighting International Crime

Many criminal activities like human trafficking, cybercrime, drug trafficking, and organized crime go beyond national borders. In this episode, AMU criminal justice professor Dr. Jarrod Sadulski talks with Mikel Irizar, Operations Specialist at INTERPOL’s Command and Coordination Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Learn how INTERPOL assists its 194 member-nations by coordinating criminal investigations, providing resources, sharing intelligence data, and more. 

Podcast: Using Genetic Genealogy DNA Databases to Solve Cold Cases

In this podcast episode, AMU criminal justice professor Jennifer Bucholtz discusses how genetic genealogy databases can help solve cold cases by identifying unknown DNA samples of both criminals and victims. Learn more about the challenges of using this advanced investigative technique and why it's so important for law enforcement to educate the public about policies and procedures in order to alleviate privacy concerns.