
05 April 2019

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Council of Europe and are organising a two-day seminar “Inter-agency co-operation: models to prevent and combat violence against women at the regional level”

01 March 2019

Alexey Vovchenko participates in the first meeting of the Employment working group of the G20 countries during the Japanese chairmanship of the forum

29 January 2019

On 29 January 2019 the launch event of the project “Co-operation on the implementation of the Russian Federation National Action Strategy for Women (2017–2022)” took place

06 September 2018

The 9th G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting. The G20 Joint Education & Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting

14 June 2017

Grigoriy Lekarev made a speech during the 10th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

18 May 2017

The 8th G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting

12 April 2017

Russian APEC self-funded project «Building a Culture of Prevention on OSH in APEC Economies» was held on the III Russian Health and Safety Week

20 February 2017

First Deputy Minister Alexey Vovchenko participated in the 2nd Employment Working Group Meeting under German G20 Presidency

02 February 2017

Deputy Minister Alexey Cherkasov made a speech during the 55th Session of the UN Commission for Social Development

21 December 2016

First Deputy Minister Alexey Vovchenko participated in the first G20 Employment Working Group (EWG) Meeting

22 November 2016

Russian Federation launched the realization of the ILO's Future of Work Centenary initiative

21 November 2016

Deputy Minister Alexey Cherkasov participated in the World Social Security Forum of the International Social Security Association

11 November 2016

Ministers of employment of Russia and Palestine signed a plan of implementation of cooperation in the sphere of occupational safety and health, employment and training

13 July 2016

Maxim Topilin, Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation participated in the 7th G20 Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting

17 June 2016

First Deputy Minister Alexey Vovchenko met with Deputy Secretary General of Council of Europe Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni to discuss gender equality issues

14 June 2016

States Parties of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities elected the Russian candidate to the Committee on the Rights of Persons – Mr. Valery Rukhledev

14 June 2016

Deputy Minister Grigoriy Lekarev made a speech during the 9-th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD)

08 June 2016

State-Secretary – Deputy Minister Andrey Pudov participated in the 36-th Session of the Working Party on Private Pensions (OECD)

27 April 2016

First Deputy Minister Alexey Vovchenko participated in the second G20 Employment Working Group (EWG) Meeting