The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)

The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is a specialised agency within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental organisation of industrialised countries, based in Paris, France. More » 

Press releases and news

A global nuclear science and engineering commencementA global nuclear science and engineering commencement

The graduating classes of 2020 and 2021 are experiencing a unique time in history. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many students may not be receiving traditional ceremonies and festivities, and are transitioning or attempting to transition to professional careers at a time of great uncertainty and economic upheaval. In this context and with the support of the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN), the NEA is organising an online event to celebrate and recognise the accomplishments of the graduating classes of 2020 and 2021, especially those within the nuclear science and technology fields. Find out more here.

The Generalised Nuclear Database Structure: Establishing an International Nuclear Data StandardThe Generalised Nuclear Database Structure: Establishing an International Nuclear Data Standard

Nuclear data are produced by dozens of organisations around the world and shared internationally for the safe operation of nuclear power reactors, waste and reprocessing facilities, and nuclear medicine applications. We hosted an expert roundtable discussion on 8 July 2020 on the Generalised Nuclear Data Structure (GNDS), the new international nuclear data standard launched by the NEA in May 2020. In this discussion, we explored the GNDS 1.9, its use, specifications, and the strategic vision of the project moving forward. A video recording of the event is available here.

Unlocking reductions in the construction cost of nuclear: A practical guide for stakeholdersUnlocking Reductions in the Construction Costs of Nuclear:
A Practical Guide for Stakeholders

Nuclear energy can play a key role in meeting decarbonisation and energy security objectives—if the cost of new nuclear build is economic. The NEA has released a new report with recommendations to unlock meaningful cost reductions for future nuclear new build construction projects.

Report 📖
Press release 🎙️
Webinar recording 📽

The role of nuclear energy during COVID‑19 and beyond

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had significant impacts on the global economy and energy sector. It has also underlined the importance of electricity reliability and resilience during major disruptions. The NEA is examining the regulatory and operational impacts of the crisis, and working closely with its members to enable exchanges of policy approaches and best practices around the world. As part of these efforts, the NEA has launched a set of policy briefs and is hosting a series of discussions that explore the role that nuclear energy can play in the post‑COVID‑19 recovery, whilst also supporting the path towards a truly sustainable and environmentally responsible energy future. Find out more at

NEA WebChat with H.E. Michał Kurtyka, Poland's Minister of Climate

The NEA hosted a WebChat with Michał Kurtyka, Poland's Minister of Climate and COP24 President. As a leading figure in global discussions on climate neutrality and energy‑related emissions, Minister Kurtyka discussed the proposed Energy Policy of Poland until 2040 (EPP2040) and shared his perspectives on the clean energy transition. The conversation covered topics such as the decarbonisation of the power sector, low‑carbon recovery after COVID‑19, and new nuclear build in Poland. A video recording of the event is available here.

How do we encourage more women to enter the nuclear science and technology field?

Attracting and retaining more women into careers in the physical sciences and technology, as well as enhancing the conditions and prospects for women and girls at every stage of their education and development is an important goal that many NEA member countries are pursuing. In support of these efforts, the NEA is working with its members to explore new and creative approaches to improve gender balance in the nuclear science and technology arena. As part of this priority, the NEA brought together a Leadership Panel with a Young Generation Panel on 28 May 2020. Speakers from both panels shared their personal experiences in nuclear science and technology. Then, they explored how governments, research bodies and the private sector can help improve the representation of women in all spheres of the nuclear sector. A video recording of the event is available here.

NEA WebChat with Dr Rita Baranwal

The NEA is organising a series of WebChats to engage with leading figures in the energy sector and explore current issues through in‑depth conversations with NEA Director‑General Magwood. The first NEA WebChat was held on 14 May 2020 with Dr Rita Baranwal, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Nuclear Energy in the United States Department of Energy (DOE). As a recognised leader in nuclear innovation, Dr Baranwal drew on her personal experiences to discuss effective leadership, innovation and gender balance in the nuclear energy sector. She also shared her perspectives on the future of nuclear power and career opportunities for the next generation. A video recording of the event is available here.

NEA Director-General meets with H.E. Hamad Al Kaabi, May 2020NEA Director-General meets with H.E. Hamad Al Kaabi

NEA Director‑General William D. Magwood, IV, met virtually with H.E. Hamad Al Kaabi, Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and UAE Special Representative for International Nuclear Cooperation, on 29 May 2020. The discussions covered a wide range of issues, including the current state of nuclear technology and the decarbonisation of electricity systems. The dialogue also touched on the impact of COVID‑19 on nuclear construction projects and regulatory decisions and practices. It was noted that the UAE's Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) continues to operate efficiently, while its staff works remotely with the exception of on‑site inspections.

Human aspects of nuclear safety:
Challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic

The ongoing COVID‑19 pandemic is having a major impact on the workforce around the world, from how people carry out their work under necessary social distancing rules to the unavailability of workers due to sickness or having to take care of others. The nuclear workforce is adapting to these unprecedented conditions and ensuring the safe and reliable generation of nuclear energy around the world. To explore how the nuclear sector is responding to the human and organisational challenges arising from the COVID‑19 pandemic, the NEA convened a special workshop on 9 April 2020 moderated by the NEA Director‑General William D. Magwood, IV. Watch the workshop recording here:‑covid‑19‑2.

NEA offices, March 2020Message from NEA Director-General Magwood

The crisis we face today is unlike any we have ever faced in the era of globalisation and interconnectiveness. All countries feel the impact, all economies are affected, all populations are under threat. The event is ongoing and, by most accounts, is likely to be with us for months. The nuclear sector, like all other areas of our modern society, is doing its part to reduce the number of infections. The world’s nuclear power plants are operating safely and effectively and are contributing to the reliable grids needed to power the untold millions who are teleworking, the families sheltering at home, and essential medical facilities operating far beyond their intended capacity. But while the energy flows, the sector itself is impacted by the pandemic and must quickly adapt to ever‑changing, unprecedented, and uncertain circumstances. Read more

Onkalo pilot cave at final depth in Onkalo, Finland.Advancing Geological Repositories from Concept to Operation

The Sixth International Conference on Geological Repositories (ICGR 2020) will take place on 8‑11 November 2020 in Helsinki, Finland. Building upon the previous conferences held in Denver (1999), Stockholm (2003), Berne (2007), Toronto (2012) and Paris (2016), ICGR 2020 will focus on "Advancing Geological Repositories from Concept to Operation" and demonstrate the significant progress of geological repositories in the last two decades. The event will bring together high level decision makers from responsible government ministries, regulatory bodies, waste management organisations, research institutes, and local stakeholders, as well as young professionals and students, to review current perspectives of geological repository development. It will show the progress made in the last two decades towards geologic disposal of radioactive waste by facilitating an exchange of information and experience. Participants will discuss various best practices in demonstrating technical reliability and share approaches in building human capacity, as well as in developing stakeholder confidence in the safety construction and operation of long term geological repositories. For more information and to register, please visit

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New publications and reports

Unlocking Reductions in the Construction Costs of Nuclear: A Practical Guide for Stakeholders
Read the report

Management and Disposal of High‑Level Radioactive Waste: Global Progress and Solutions
Read the report

Read the Policy Brief

Nuclear energy: A key contributor to a modern, resilient and cost effective low‑carbon energy system during COVID‑19 and beyond
Read the policy briefs

Insights from Leaders in Nuclear Energy: Innovative Leadership
A conversation with Rumina Velshi, President and CEO of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)

Read the conversation

NEA Annual Report 2019
Read the report

Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants
Twenty-Seventh Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 2017

Read the report

Nuclear Power Plant Operating Experience: from the IAEA/NEA International Reporting System for Operating Experience 2015-2017
Read the report

Chemical Thermodynamics Series Volume 13b
Chemical Thermodynamics of Iron, Part 2

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