A meeting of the board of the Open Knowledge Foundation Limited was held in London at 6:30pm on the 11th September 2012.

  • In attendance: Rufus Pollock, James Casbon, Becky Hogge, Jordan Hatcher, Martin Keegan, Ben Laurie (via phone), Gavin Starks, Jane Silber
  • Observing: Laura James, Marcus Dapp
  • Apologies were received from Stephen King (Omidyar observer)


Introductions and apologies

The board welcomed Gavin Starks and Jane Silber.

Approval of minutes from previous meeting

The minutes were modified and the revised minutes approved.

Review of actions from last meeting

The actions were reviewed.

Review and approval of management accounts

The accounts were discussed and approved. The board would like to see a 12 month budget going forward.

Presentation of paper on the Executive Team

The paper from the Executive Team was presented and discussed.

Presentation of Strategy paper

The paper from Rufus Pollock was presented as a working document and discussed.

Presentation of paper on Operations staff

The paper from Laura James was presented and discussed. Since the time of writing progress has been made in this area.

Discussion of Operational questions

A general discussion of areas of interest to the board was held.

Discussion of Directors and Officers Insurance

The pros and cons of this form of insurance was discussed and further information requested from the Executive Team.

Update on Chapter questions

An MOU has been signed with the Switzerland Chapter. Discussions are in progress with the Belgian group.

Various issues around naming of groups and funding processes were discussed.

A motion was passed to delegate authority to allocate funds to the Executive Team with a per transaction/project limit of £15k and with a cumulative limit per chapter/group per year of £50k, as long as the funded project contract specifies conformance to Open Definition.

Discussion of OKFN Board decision making

This item was postponed pending further exploration of the Articles of Association with the OKFN’s legal advisor.


Gavin Starks’s roles within the OKFN and the Open Data Institute were discussed. A motion was approved that Gavin will remain on the boards of both organisations and that any party becoming aware of any potential conflicts will raise them. A formal review point of this arrangement was fixed for 6 months hence and Rufus Pollock (as present Chair of this board) will undertake the review and report back to the board. The board believe there are no material conflicts at this time.

The next scheduled board meeting is on Tuesday 11th December 2012.
