Colin HanksTài khoản được xác nhận


Husband/Father/Son/Brother/Actor/ Director/Hanks Kerchief Maker/Music Fanatic/Record Collector/Possibly that guy from that one thing you think is way underrated

North America
Đã tham gia tháng 5 năm 2010

Phương tiện

  1. Đang trả lời
  2. Been thinking about this a lot recently. Thanks to for posting a while back

  3. Happy Birthday Pops !!! Another year around the Sun, and another birthday post for YOU!

  4. So this is the vibe. This is the mantra. And in those brief moments I get, to collect myself and my thoughts, This the way I need to approach everything right now. Thanks to @oumi_janta and to for bringing it to my attention in the first p…

  5. It’s that simple. Repost from • Guess now there’s two ways to figure out who’s in danger and is gonna eat it on Star Trek.

  6. All the flags. We’ve come so far, yet there is so much more work to do. Love is love is love is love..... Happy Pride Day. by Scotty Kay (Special Thanks to )

  7. I mean, I sure as hell would go to that park if these two were the ones etched in stone. Imagine the party for that unveiling. One hell of a back drop for the stage...also, could have multiple statues around town in all his different looks. Ma…

  8. I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know about until I saw it in my iPhone calendar a few years ago. Even then, I had to look it up. These past few weeks, in an attempt to be a better ally, I have been trying to talk less in order to listen more, …

  9. This is Breonna Taylor. Her job was to help save lives. Her life should never have been taken. Today would have been her 27th birthday

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