List of districts of Yemen

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This article is part of a series on the
politics and government of

Arab League Member State of the Arab League


The governorates of Yemen are divided into 333 districts (Arabic: مديرياتmudīriyyā). The districts are subdivided into 2,210 Uzaal (sub-districts), and then into 38,284 villages (as of 2001). The districts are listed below, by governorate:

Districts of Yemen

'Aden Governorate[edit]

'Amran Governorate[edit]

Abyan Governorate[edit]

Ad Dali' Governorate[edit]

Al Bayda' Governorate[edit]

Al Hudaydah Governorate[edit]

Al Jawf Governorate[edit]

Al Mahrah Governorate[edit]

Al Mahwit Governorate[edit]

Amanat Al Asimah Governorate[edit]

Dhamar Governorate[edit]

Hadhramaut Governorate[edit]

Hajjah Governorate[edit]

Ibb Governorate[edit]

Lahij Governorate[edit]

Ma'rib Governorate[edit]

Raymah Governorate[edit]

Sa'dah Governorate[edit]

Sana'a Governorate[edit]

Shabwah Governorate[edit]

Ta'izz Governorate[edit]

External links[edit]