• How to write Palindrome Polyglot Quines

    • Translation

    I offer a solution to one beautiful task — writing code that outputs its text is valid for interpreters and compilers of different languages and is correctly executed when reversing its sources.

    Not so long ago I learned about code that can be both interpreted in PHP and compiled to Java: PhpJava.java. As it turned out, this idea is not new: code which is valid for several compilers or interpreters is called a polyglot. It is possible to write such code because of the peculiarities of processing strings and comments in different interpreters or compilers.

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  • The 2020 National Internet Segment Reliability Research

      The National Internet Segment Reliability Research explains how the outage of a single Autonomous System might affect the connectivity of the impacted region with the rest of the world. Most of the time, the most critical AS in the region is the dominant ISP on the market, but not always.

      As the number of alternate routes between AS’s increases (and do not forget that the Internet stands for “interconnected network” — and each network is an AS), so does the fault-tolerance and stability of the Internet across the globe. Although some paths are from the beginning more important than others, establishing as many alternate routes as possible is the only viable way to ensure an adequately robust network.

      The global connectivity of any given AS, regardless of whether it is an international giant or regional player, depends on the quantity and quality of its path to Tier-1 ISPs.

      Usually, Tier-1 implies an international company offering global IP transit service over connections with other Tier-1 providers. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that such connectivity will be maintained all the time. For many ISPs at all “tiers”, losing connection to just one Tier-1 peer would likely render them unreachable from some parts of the world.
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    • Common misconceptions about space-grade integrated circuits

        Space exploration was always fascinating, and recent developments have reignited the interest to the heights never seen since the last man stood on the Moon. People argue about Mars exploration and features of spaceships as their grandparents would’ve done if the internet existed fifty years ago. I’m an electronics engineer working in the aerospace industry, so I know a thing or two about the technical background of this stuff — and I see that these things aren’t common knowledge, and people often have significantly skewed ideas about the reasons behind many things and decisions. Namely, I’d love to speak of some misconceptions about radiation hardened integrated circuits and the means of protection from radiation-induced damage.

        So, let's start our journey
      • The hunt for vulnerability: executing arbitrary code on NVIDIA GeForce NOW virtual machines


          Against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, the demand for cloud gaming services has noticeably increased. These services provide computing power to launch video games and stream gameplay to user devices in real-time. The most obvious advantage of this gaming type is that gamers do not need to have high-end hardware. An inexpensive computer is enough to run the client, spending time in self-isolation while the remote server carries out all calculations.

          NVIDIA GeForce NOW is one of these cloud-based game streaming services. According to Google Trends, worldwide search queries for GeForce NOW peaked in February 2020. This correlates with the beginning of quarantine restrictions in many Asian, European, and North and South American countries, as well as other world regions. At the same time in Russia, where the self-isolation regime began in March, we see a similar picture with a corresponding delay.

          Given the high interest in GeForce NOW, we decided to explore this service from an information security standpoint.
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        • AdBlock has stolen the banner, but banners are not teeth — they will be back

        • How Can AI & Data Science Help to Fight the Coronavirus?


          Do you know AI can save us from a worldwide pandemic?

          Yeah, it's true. Our global researchers have touted these two buzzing technologies can provide a substantial social benefit to this worldwide health crisis.

          Before I begin, I would like to take this moment to say THANK YOU to all our COVID-19 Warriors standing on the frontline and working day and night for us. We can’t thank them enough. Our healthcare staff, police, scientist, security guards, and sweepers. Their contribution is overwhelming and commendable ?

          Discovering a drug for any medicine demands the joint efforts of the world's brightest minds. The process is notoriously long, complicated, and expensive. And that's how health experts are involved in searching COVID-19 medicine. In the midst of such a crisis, artificial intelligence solutions are offering a new hope that a cure might appear faster with it.
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        • Getting Better at Reading Academic Papers: a Brief Guide for Beginners (Part 2)

            «Nothing makes you feel stupid quite like reading a scientific journal article» — writes the TV presenter and molecular biologist Adam Ruben. In a way, he's right — many of us get lost in the often confusing language of peer-reviewed papers. But the situation does not have to be hopeless. A bit of effort on the readers' part can go a long way. We looked at the techniques actual scientists use to navigate academic content. And compiled them into this two-part guide (Part 1: Getting Better at Understanding Academic Papers).

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          • Checking QEMU using PVS-Studio


              QEMU is a rather well-known application for emulation. Static analysis can help developers of complex projects such as QEMU catch errors at early stages and generally improve quality and reliability of a project. In this article, we will check the source code of the QEMU application for potential vulnerabilities and errors using the PVS-Studio static analysis tool.
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            • Plugins in Figma. From idea to 1000 installs

                About a year ago, Figma added the ability to develop and publish your own plugins. Those who would like to please themselves and everyone around them with additional features or just to have the experience of lifetime with Figma have longed for this feature to appear. 

                Inside the plugin, you can do whatever is available to the developer on the web. There are practically no restrictions on the possibilities, except for those related to the system. Fortunately, they are all detailed in the documentation. Many detailed articles have already been written on the topic of technical implementation of plugins, for example, here or here. As product designers, Lev Bruk and I wanted to go through all the stages of plugin release, from the idea and coding to promoting and working with feedback from real users. That’s exactly what we’re going to cover in the article.

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              • How to display a gazillion of metrics and keep your sanity

                  Large scale equals distributed. Distributed equals inevitable complexity. Complexity at runtime equals extensive monitoring. At Hazelcast, doing distributed systems well is our bread and butter. It means we have no choice but to be huge fans of collecting all kinds of metrics to stay on guard of the data our users trust us with.

                  In Management Center 4.2020.08, we drastically changed the model of how we transfer the metric data from the cluster members to the Management Center, how we store it, and how we display it. In this post, we are going to talk about the latter bit of the triad.

                  We will discuss what to do when you want to display all the data at once, but your users have a limited number of monitors and only one pair of eyes. We will speculate about what users actually want to see when they look at a chart of a monitoring web app. We will go over different approaches to filter the data, and how an average, a median, and a definite integral play their key roles.

                  Cross-posted from hazelcast.com

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                • Getting Better at Understanding Academic Papers: a Brief Guide for Beginners (Part 1)

                    «Nothing makes you feel stupid quite like reading a scientific journal article» — writes the TV presenter and molecular biologist Adam Ruben. In a way, he's right — many of us get lost in the often confusing language of peer-reviewed papers. But the situation does not have to be hopeless. A bit of effort on the readers' part can go a long way. We looked at the techniques actual scientists use to navigate academic content.

                    And compiled them into this two-part guide (part 2).

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                  • Why it's important to allow developers to solve the problem instead of giving them implementation tasks


                      In his book «INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love,» Marty Cagan mentioned that successful teams put the following principles at the forefront when working with feature stories:

                      • Risks are analyzed in advance, not at the end.
                      • Products are defined and designed collaboratively, not sequentially.
                      • The team works on solving the problem, not on implementation.

                      The first two are more or less clear. Any well-educated manager knows that risks should be identified and assessed in the upfront. Besides that, many modern teams work or try to behave themselves on Agile's principles. But there are not so many companies in the world that follow the third principle.

                      Let us see what we can do.
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                    • Data Science vs AI: All You Need To Know

                        What do these terms mean? And what is the difference?


                        Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are creating a lot of buzzes these days. But what do these terms mean? And what is the difference between them?

                        While the terms Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes under the same domain and are inter-connected to each other, they have their specific applications and meaning.

                        There’s no slowing down the spread of AI and data science. Many big tech giants are extensively investing in these technologies. As per the recent survey, it is estimated that artificial intelligence could add $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

                        Through this piece of writing, I will be explaining about the AI and data science concepts and their differences in detail. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get started!
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                      • Tensodrone that do not break, and what does architecture, robotic manipulator and copter have in common

                        • Translation
                        We had ten broken drones in a year, test flights twice a day, three PhDs in the team, a prototype of sushi sticks and a desire to find a way to stop hitting drones.

                        Very controversial, very unusual, very strange, but it works! At the intersection of architecture, collaborative robotics and unmanned aerial vehicles. 

                        Introducing: Tensodrone™.

                        Tensodrone is a multi-rotor UAV of a new design with collision protection, made on the principle of tensegrity. This approach allows for the combination of the protective cage and the airframe in one structure, increasing impact resistance with less weight. The project is a vivid example of the interaction of various teams of the Center for Competences of the National Technology Initiative in the field of «Robotics and Mechatronics» established at the Innopolis University in 2018.
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                      • Checking the Code of XMage, and Why You Won't Be Able to Get the Special Rare Cards of the Dragon's Maze Collection


                          XMage is a client-server application for playing Magic: The Gathering (MTG). XMage's development was started in early 2010. Since then, it has seen 182 releases, attracted an army of contributors, and it's still being actively developed even now. All that makes it a good reason for us to contribute to its development too! So, today the PVS-Studio unicorn is going to check the code base of XMage and maybe even get into a fight with some entities.
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