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Slavoljub Zivic born on 13th March, 1981 in Yugoslavia, the Republic of Serbia, in the small town 

of Zajecar,in the Eastern Serbia. From father Slavoljub (namesake) who was born in Kalna, in the region of Stara Planina. The father enrolled in high school "Electrical engineering school" and he moved to Zajecar. At school, he met Slavoljub's mother, Snezana. After finishing school, they founded their own family. After a couple of years, it became a five-member family, in which Slavoljub Zivic was the youngest member. In addition to his older sister and brother, he studied a lot. His sister, Sanja is an English teacher, and his brother Sasa is a professional driver. The whole family has always been involved in sports. Slavoljub, at the age of seven, following the example of his sister and brother, started traiing karate. At the Elementary school (1988 -1996), he was a very naughty child, but he skillfully covered it up. During elementary school, he played basketball, learned to play the guitar. However a strong Hollywood production reached the small town of Zajecar, which influences Slavoljub to dream of becoming a Hollywood super star. In 1996, he enrolled in the Electrical Engineering School, like his parents. At the same time, he began to enter into the world of bodybuilding. Seeing his great progress , he had a vision that the road to Hollywood could be opened to him in the same way as Arnold Schweizenegger. He intensified his training even more and his way of life became like professional bodybuilders. After a year and a half he participates in the Yugoslavia bodybuilding championship. Shortly after the experience with the competition, he came to the conclusion that steroids were necessary for such a sport, which is why he gave up that possibility, and continued to do bodybuilding recreationally. He finished high school in 1999. In the same year, wishing to enroll at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, Department of Dramaturgy, in a conversation with his parents, he received a negative answer, due to poor financial situation. As an alternative to enroll in something related to art, he suggests his parents to let him enroll in design college, in a nearby town. The answer was negative again, and the proposal of his parents was to enroll in Management based in Zajecar. He accepts the proposal of his parents and enrolls in the Faculty of Management. Literally, on the first day, after returning from college, he starts writing a skeleton for his future script, with which he will apply in 2001 for the competition for enrollment at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Department of Dramaturgy and then he received a notification from the Faculty that he was accepted! Unfortunatelly, the parents inform him that for financial reasons this wasn't possible. He soon left the Faculty of Management and for the next six months with his friends he indulged in the enjoyment of marijuana, but at the same time he worked on his screenplay. In 2002, he went to serve his military service in the city of Valjevo. When he returned from the army, he tried to transfer the plot of his screenplay (which was planned to take place in California and Mexico)to Serbia. The financial situation in the family became worse, which is why in 2003 he applied for the competition of the Special Units "Gendarmerie" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. After several psycho-physical checks, he received a call for a drill, a selective training lasting 31 days. After successfully completing the drill, he went on a one-year course. In 2004 he started working for the Special Forces of Serbia. Some years later, he and his father tried to start a private business and started building a windmill. It turned out that it was too much for him (financially) and if the windmill they built was almost operational, they give up on the the project. In 2009, Slavoljub married Branislava from Nis, the city where he worked as Gendarme. The same year, they got a son , Mihajlo, and in 2013 they got the daughter, Teodora. They lived as subtenants for many years, after which his wife and he decided to start building their own house where they will move in in 2017. In 2015, Slavoljub decides to finish his screenplay at any cost, and with the story for the American market. He begins writing detailed scripts adapted to the format of world accepted standards. Due to work obligations and numerous absences from home, the screenplay ends at the end of 2019. Immediately after the script was completed, his sister beg translating it into an English language. On June 4, 2020, he received a certificate of copyright protection. After that, he and his sister Sanja began to engage in finding agents, managers and producers who deal with the film industry. Slavoljub continues to work in the Gendarmerie and is currently accompanying and protecting the commander of Gandarmerie. In addition to all the above, he always had an affinity for the music, especially the guitar. His role models are Jimmy Page, Brian Harold May, Steve Vai and others. He also has an affinity for the world of motoring, primary Formula 1, where one of the role models was Ayrton Senna. His role models in the film industry are Quentin Tarantino, Sylvester Stallone, Alfred Hitchcock.

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