The BuddyPress project now includes a local development environment

Since BuddyPress 5.0.0 development cycle, we try to find the time to add tools to help you get involved into BuddyPress contribution.

  • During 5.0.0 development cycle: we’ve launched the site with the BP REST API documentation.
  • During 6.0.0 development cycle: we’ve published the BP Beta Tester plugin on the plugins directory.
  • And for the 7.0.0 development cycle we are now including the @wordpress/env to our development tools.

I’d like to remind you BuddyPress is an open source project and as such is maintained by volunteers just like you. It is vital for the current and future success of BuddyPress to have a healthy group of contributors.

The more people will contribute to BuddyPress, the more BuddyPress will be awesome. We’ve just updated our “Get Involved” page on to include a guide to help you get started with contributing code to BuddyPress core.

This guide contains all the resources needed to take you through the process of submitting your first patch. It also includes a specific chapter to install our default local BuddyPress development environment.

Members of the BuddyPress Core team will be happy to warmly welcome you and review your great patches. If you’re looking for a way to improve your development skills, believe my experience: contributing to BuddyPress and discussing with its Core teammates is a fantastic school.

The best way to learn it is to make it! 🤗

See you on BP Trac, we have some tickets to fix! 😘

#7-0-0, #codex, #contribute

BP Dev-Chat Summary: August 26, 2020

7.0.0 release cycle updates

Everyone was pretty busy during the two weeks preceding this meeting. @espellcaste still have to work on the tickets/issues he shared about the BP REST API & the BP WP CLI during the previous dev-chat.

@im4th informed he decided to commit the patch about adding @wordpress/env to the BuddyPress repository (see #8317): here’s the commit message, it contains some informations about how to install and launch the BuddyPress development environment. He will write a documentation page on the BuddyPress codex. @vapvarun will copy-review this page.

About Members Invitations #8139 @dcavins will update the patch soon to rename some function and variable names according to the conversation he had with @im4th on the Trac ticket.

7.0.0 release schedule

  • 7.0.0-beta1: October 15
  • 7.0.0 : December 1st redesign project

For this part of the dev-chat, we decided to postpone it to August 31st. With @mercime, @vapvarun & @im4th we mainly talked about organizing our development environment (WP Multisite just like the network). It is now almost ready. A GitHub repo will house both themes (parent & child) and we now have first wireframes about the main site’s pages 🙌. Here they are!

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on September 9 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#7-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda: August 26, 2020

Our next development meeting will happen tomorrow on August 26 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here are the topics we’ll talk about:

  • redesign project.
  • 7.0.0 release cycle updates.

If you have anything you wish to add (or remove) to this agenda or specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.

#7-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Dev-Chat Summary: August 12, 2020 redesign project

@vapvarun shared with us about his progress on the project, he planned on start designing wireframes for BP pages, starting with the homepage, the codex landing page and the forum (support) page first. He also worked on the style guide adding a 3rd page to it, see below.

Finally we discussed about using a single repository for both theme and child theme, this is something we’ll need to have @mercime‘s opinion on (she wasn’t able to join the dev-chat).

7.0.0 release cycle updates

“Network invites”

@dcavins gave us updates about his progress on this very promising feature. He added a first patch to #8139 to get feedbacks from other members of the team about the direction he chose to take for the development of this feature. Please, just like I did: do take some time to test the patch and give him your thoughts about it. During the dev-chat I couldn’t resist to share a concern about the use of the “Network” term which I believe echoes too much to Multisite configs. I believe the extract of this comment by @dcavins on the ticket can help us use a less confusing term.

It allows site owners to use a referral system to build a community of trusted users



@espellcaste still needs to confirm Grunt will fetch the renamed BP REST default branch once it will be “main” instead of “master”. He plans to work on the create_item() method of the Blog’s endpoint (See #310). The last_activity issue has been tackled, see #342 for more information about it.

Support for Activity meta has been added to BP WP CLI and the 2.0 milestone of the plugin is almost complete: there’s only one last command to add.

BP Types Admin UI

@im4th requested feedback about the patch he added on #7181.

BP Blocks

A new block has been added to ease embedding an Activity into a post or a page. See this merged pull request for more information about it.

7.0.0 release schedule

  • 7.0.0-beta1: October 15
  • 7.0.0 : December 1st

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on August 26 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#7-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BuddyPress Dev-chat Agenda: August 12, 2020

Our next development meeting will happen tomorrow on August 12 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here are the topics we’ll talk about:

  • redesign project.
  • 7.0.0 release cycle updates:
    • Network invites,
    • BP REST API,
    • WP BP CLI,
    • BP Blocks,
    • BP Types UI.

If you have anything you wish to add (or remove) to this agenda or specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.

#7-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Dev-Chat summary: july 29, 2020

BP Types UI

We took a decision about whether to package a plugin or directly merge the Member Types and Group Types Administration UI into BuddyPress. BP Types UI will be introduced in BuddyPress 7.0.0. You can already test/review the patch about it.

6.2.0 Maintenance release

We’ve released it as scheduled on August 6. See this announcement post for more info about it.

7.0.0 release cycle updates

@boonebgorges has committed a more permanent fix than the one we included in 6.2.0 about the deprecation of WordPress options containing the black/white terms into their name and also remove these same terms from the xProfile component & moderation code (#8339). If you find some more places in our codebase where we can improve the language used for a better contributors inclusivity, don’t hesitate to add patches to the ticket.

@espellcaste requested and got a second opinion about #8011 & #8308. We then discussed about the best way to tackle the BP REST API’s #342 issue. @boonebgorges wrote a summary of what we decided into this comment.

@dcavins gave us updates about his progress on Network invites (see #8139). The new code will be added to the Members component and a new DB table will be created to handle opt-outs for non-site-members.

@im4th shared about his work on the BP Blocks’ front. A new block is now included to share posts/pages into the activity stream. It uses the Activity Block based post form. See this PR for more info about it.

7.0.0 release schedule

  • 7.0.0-beta1: October 15
  • 7.0.0 : December 1st redesign

Unfortunately we ran out of time (@im4th ‘s fault!). @mercime & @vapvarun are doing great progress you can follow from this GANTT chart.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on August 12 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#6-2-0, #7-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BuddyPress 6.2.0 is available!

Please upgrade to be ready to fully enjoy next WordPress major version (5.5.0) 🙌

#6-2-0, #release

BuddyPress Dev-chat Agenda: july 29, 2020

Our next development meeting will happen tomorrow on  July 29 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here are the topics we’ll talk about:

If you have anything you wish to add (or remove) to this agenda or specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.

#6-2-0, #7-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BuddyPress 6.2.0 beta1


Please help us beta test our next minor release 🙏 😍

#6-2-0, #beta, #release

BP Dev-Chat summary: july 15, 2020

6.2.0 minor release

The main goal of this release is to prepare BuddyPress for the 5.5 WordPress upgrade expected to be published on august 11. The change that touch the plugin the most is the PHPMailer 6.0 upgrade that comes with WordPress 5.5. We’ve been working on a patch (see #8322) to support this PHPMailer upgrade and ensure backward compatibility with previous versions of WordPress (4.8 to 5.4). We agreed to test this ticket’s patch until july 22: the day when we plan to package a beta of 6.2.0 to let some time to BuddyPress plugin developers to test it before early august.

6.2.0 release schedule

  • 6.2.0-beta: july 22
  • 6.2.0 : ~ august 6

7.0.0 development cycle updates

@espellcaste has been working hard on improving the BP REST API and preparing the WP CLI 2.0 upgrade (see #8308).

@dcavins started putting the network invitations together (see #8139). One of its feature will include the possibility to invite users to join a group using their emails. Some changes will probably be needed into the BP REST API and the BP Nouveau Messages UI.

@im4th has been working on adding our block survey most voted block idea. A pull request is opened to feedbacks on the BP Blocks GitHub repository.

@IAmTheWebb informed he would test #8317. As this ticket is about providing a Docker testing environment, we’ll probably need to write a codex page to explain how to have it up and running.

7.0.0 release schedule

  • 7.0.0-beta1: October 15
  • 7.0.0 : December 1st new design project

@mercime has been working on “sassifying” bb-base and buddypress-org themes stylesheets.

@vapvarun worked on a style guide about the project. See images below:


Unfortunately we were not able (time was over) to talk about the BP Types UI plugin, please have a look at this part of the July 1st’s Dev-Chat summary so that we can start our next meeting by this point.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on July 29 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#6-2-0, #7-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary