Helen 侯-Sandí


OG and Director of Open Source Initiatives . Lead Developer. Collaborative pianist via and . she/her + NYC/VB + 🇺🇸🇨🇳🇨🇷

San José, Costa Rica
Придружио/ла се фебруар 2009.


Блокирао/ла си корисника @helenhousandi

Да ли сигурно желиш да видиш ове твитове? Приказивање твитова неће одблокирати корисника @helenhousandi

  1. Закачен твит
    9. јун
    Mock page from Corduroy where Corduroy whispers "Fuck the police"
  2. пре 35 минута

    PHP is good, actually.

  3. пре 56 минута

    You ever get hit with a GIF reply so good you feel like it deserves an award

  4. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 15 сати

    Going into a spiral anyone want anything

  5. пре 2 сата

    “How did you find such a pretty wife if you’re bald?” – my 7 year old to my husband just now Kids are brutal even when it’s in your favor.

  6. пре 2 сата

    How many times am I going to have to say "ohhhhh boy." today, can y'all chill PLEASE a girl has things to do

  7. је ретвитовао/ла
    2. јул
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  8. пре 17 сати

    Sigh. You know the one. With a pigeon and a baby everybody thinks is mine just because Asian.

  9. пре 17 сати

    Can’t believe it took me this long to finally try making mapo tofu

  10. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 21 сата

    This should be required reading for software devs. Honestly, I've learned more software writing fundamentals from my music years. I think theres also similar parallels between earnest score analysis to code analysis; anyone who has worked with me knows how strongly I feel as such

  11. је ретвитовао/ла
    29. јул

    I know a lot of software engineers who are musicians as well, wrote a post about what engineers can learn from music masterclasses! I actually had not heard of them, we could benefit from this kind of learning:

  12. 29. јул

    Started out my morning by accidentally deep-frying my fingertip getting too close to the pan so I guess that’s how my day is gonna go

  13. 29. јул

    I should probably do something with , huh

  14. је ретвитовао/ла
    29. јул

    Hello I am a highly trained classical pianist turned software developer and I wrote a post on what software teams can learn from music masterclasses :)

  15. 29. јул

    Hello I am a highly trained classical pianist turned software developer and I wrote a post on what software teams can learn from music masterclasses :)

  16. 28. јул

    I promise I only did this on a personal project. Also I'm sorry I forgot the alt text :( it's a commit message that says "Remove some CSS cruft that was making Safari go brrrr".

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  17. 28. јул

    Me: I've worked really hard to become a Director of Open Source Initiatives! I published commit message guidelines for a project that powers almost 40% of the internet! Also me:

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  18. 28. јул

    Can I just brag on myself for a second and say that I'm listening to my old piano performances that are on my website and I'm still proud of them?

  19. 28. јул

    Sometimes being Asian American means putting 고추장 in your 蛋炒饭 for lunch

  20. 28. јул

    I love how excited this site is about its broken links 😊

  21. 28. јул

    I fixed my smooth brain bug with some cool math and now it's time to write a blog post.

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