
Start Building

Send messages

Messages are the building blocks of apps and bots. Start from “Hello, world,” or connect a service you already use.

Give users a shortcut

Help users discover what your app can do with Shortcuts.

Automate with workflows

Harness the power of apps, without the code.

Create simple interactions

Your app can respond to user activity, and buttons let users complete simple tasks (like requests and approvals).

Set up internal tools

Need a slash command or a bot just for your team? All our tools can be used for internal integrations.

Publish your app

Submit your app to the Slack App Directory, and reach millions of daily active Slack users.

Latest from the changelog

Aug 10, 2020

Users may now mute and unmute their conversations with apps like they can with other channel types. When a user mutes a conversation with your app, the messages you send are still delivered and a colorful badge will continue to surface in their channel list. However, users will not receive a direct operating system or browser notification on delivery.

Aug 10, 2020

Slash command invocations will now include an api_app_id parameter with your Slack app's ID. This parameter will better assist you in handling commands from multiple applications or environments.

Jul 28, 2020

New header blocks let you provide stronger delineation between groups of content in your app surfaces. Stay ahead of the game by learning how they work.

Browse more of the Changelog here.

Latest from the platform blog

Browse more of the Platform Blog here.

Recent tutorials

Sarah Barnekow
Jul 29, 2020

Workflow Builder Steps from Apps

Learn how to configure a Workflow Builder Step from your App. Read More

Jason Wong
Aug 17, 2020
Steve Gill
Feb 4, 2020

Understanding OAuth scopes for Bots

Learn how use request scopes using OAuth. Read More

Browse more tutorials here.

Want to dive deeper?

FAQs, tutorials, and more — read up on how to make your app shine.

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These handy links will help you get on your way.