Digital platform for financial services

Who We Help

Credit Unions

Cost effective, easy to use solutions for your members and staff


Full platform solution for digital finance: modular,  customisable, cloud based, and highly effective 


API, regulator and budget friendly solutions which are fast to implement and easy to adapt 


Automated onboarding, scoring and loan management for consumer and asset finance 


Real-time client engagement, trading and management of FX, P2P and Crowdfunding 

Micro Finance

Cost effective, easy to use solutions for your clients and staff 

How We Help

From client requirements to market forces and technology, the world of financial services is changing fast.

Legacy systems can take away digitally enabled benefits from better client value propositions, bottom line and business model agility.

Union provides value-added solutions, expertise and a flexible approach to ensure your digital transformation journey is smooth and effective.

Case Studies

We have helped clients, large and small, by delivering value-added solutions in a highly professional and flexible manner:

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