Developers » API methods » Notes » notes.edit
Edits a note of the current user.
This method can be called with a user token. Access rights required: notes.
note_idNote ID.
positive number, required parameter
titleNote title.
string, required parameter
textNote text.
string, required parameter
list of comma-separated words, default all, accessible for versions from 5.30
list of comma-separated words, default all, accessible for versions from 5.30
Show options for only old API versions
privacyAccess level for the note:
0 — all users
1 — only friends
2 — friends and friends' friends
3 — only the user
int (number), outdated option, only for versions before 5.30
comment_privacyAccess level for note commenting:
0 — all users
1 — only friends
2 — friends and friends' friends
3 — only the user
int (number), outdated option, only for versions before 5.30
Returns 1.
180Note not found
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