Developers » In-app Ads
Rules for Advertising in Applications
Advertisements placed in an application (texts and images) shall comply with the VK Terms of Service, Item 3 VK Advertising Rules and Russian legislation, particularly Federal Law of 13.03.2006 No. 38-FZ "On Advertising."
For Applications in the VK main version
1.1. Third party monetization advertising systems (banner networks, teaser networks and others) are prohibited, except of traffic exchange between applications. For details see: Advertising in Applications since March 1st of 2013.
1.2. Ads shall not be shown in any pop-up window, and also in a window that opens when you view an application on user's wall.
1.3. Ad module shall not overlap application functional area (area required for user to utilize application functions in full).
1.4. Ad module shall be shown in full and shall not be overlapped by other functional elements of the application. When showing ads, all components of the ad module shall be shown simultaneously and shall not merge with the background at any moment.
1.5. Links in the ad module that may mislead user regarding results the user gets when clicking them are prohibited.
1.6. Ad active area (when clicked it redirects user to a site) shall not come up to other functional elements of the application nearer than 20 pixels.
1.7. Sudden ad impression is prohibited for application areas where user previously clicked when using main functions of the application.
1.8. Placing ad blocks in the mid-roll format is acceptable only while loading a next level/location, with information about loading process/status.
1.9. Third party CPA monetization systems are prohibited, except of traffic exchange between applications. For details see: Changes in Application Advertising.
1.10. Third party preroll (preloader) view systems in applications are prohibited. For details see: Changes in Application Advertising. 
For Application in the Mobile Catalog
2.1. External advertising systems are allowed.
2.2. Ways of placing ads inside apps and banners displaying logics should meet the VK recommendations:
2.2.1. Banners and video ads can be displayed with user confirmation (for example pressing a button that gives a bonus for watching) or
2.2.2. Banners and video ads can be displayed after completing a stage/level, when users stop interacting with an app.
2.2.3. Banners and video ads should have buttons to hide them from the screen (in videos it may appear not right from the beginning).
2.2.4. A video ad should not be longer than 30 seconds.
2.2.5. Game process should not be interrupted with sudden ads.
2.2.6. Ads can not be placed near functional elements, to avoid unwanted clicks.