Developers » API methods » Groups » groups.edit
Edits a community.
You must be a community administrator to use this method
This method can be called with a user token received in Standalone-app via Implicit Flow. Access rights required: groups.
group_idCommunity ID.
positive number, required parameter
titleCommunity title.
descriptionCommunity description.
screen_nameCommunity screen name.
accessCommunity type. Possible values:
  • 0 – open;
  • 1 – closed;
  • 2 – private.
positive number
websiteWebsite that will be displayed in the community information field.
subjectCommunity subject. Possible values:
  • 1 – auto/moto;
  • 2 – activity holidays;
  • 3 – business;
  • 4 – pets;
  • 5 – health;
  • 6 – dating and communication;
  • 7 – games;
  • 8 – IT (computers and software);
  • 9 – cinema;
  • 10 – beauty and fashion;
  • 11 – cooking;
  • 12 – art and culture;
  • 13 – literature;
  • 14 – mobile services and internet;
  • 15 – music;
  • 16 – science and technology;
  • 17 – real estate;
  • 18 – news and media;
  • 19 – security;
  • 20 – education;
  • 21 – home and renovations;
  • 22 – politics;
  • 23 – food;
  • 24 – industry;
  • 25 – travel;
  • 26 – work;
  • 27 – entertainment;
  • 28 – religion;
  • 29 – family;
  • 30 – sports;
  • 31 – insurance;
  • 32 – television;
  • 33 – goods and services;
  • 34 – hobbies;
  • 35 – finance;
  • 36 – photo;
  • 37 – esoterics;
  • 38 – electronics and appliances;
  • 39 – erotic;
  • 40 – humor;
  • 41 – society, humanities;
  • 42 – design and graphics.
emailOrganizer email (for events).
phoneOrganizer phone number (for events).
rssRSS feed address for import (available only to communities with special permission. Contact to get it.
event_start_dateEvent start date in Unixtime format.
positive number
event_finish_dateEvent finish date in Unixtime format.
positive number
event_group_idOrganizer community ID (for events only).
positive number
public_categoryPublic page category ID.
positive number
public_subcategoryPublic page subcategory ID.
positive number
public_dateFounding date of a company or organization owning the community in "" format.
wallWall settings. Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – open;
  • 2 – limited (groups and events only);
  • 3 – closed (groups and events only).
positive number
topicsBoard topics settings. Possbile values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – open;
  • 2 – limited (for groups and events only).
positive number
photosPhotos settings. Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – open;
  • 2 – limited (for groups and events only).
positive number
videoVideo settings. Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – open;
  • 2 – limited (for groups and events only).
positive number
audioAudio settings. Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – open;
  • 2 – limited (for groups and events only).
positive number
linksLinks settings (for public pages only). Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – enabled.
flag, either 1 or 0
eventsEvents settings (for public pages only). Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – enabled.
flag, either 1 or 0
placesPlaces settings (for public pages only). Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – enabled.
flag, either 1 or 0
contactsContacts settings (for public pages only). Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – enabled.
flag, either 1 or 0
docsDocuments settings. Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – open;
  • 2 – limited (for groups and events only).
positive number
wikiWiki pages settings. Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – open;
  • 2 – limited (for groups and events only).
positive number
messagesCommunity messages. Possible values:
  • 0 — disabled;
  • 1 — enabled.
flag, either 1 or 0
flag, either 1 or 0
flag, either 1 or 0
age_limitsCommunity age limits. Possible values:
  • 1 — no limits;
  • 2 — 16+;
  • 3 — 18+.
positive number, default 1
marketMarket settings. Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – enabled.
flag, either 1 or 0
market_commentsmarket comments settings. Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – enabled.
flag, either 1 or 0
market_countryMarket delivery countries.
list of comma-separated numbers
market_cityMarket delivery cities (if only one country is specified).
list of comma-separated positive numbers
market_currencyMarket currency settings. Possbile values:
  • 643 – Russian rubles;
  • 980 – Ukrainian hryvnia;
  • 398 – Kazakh tenge;
  • 978 – Euro;
  • 840 – US dollars
positive number
market_contactSeller contact for market.
Set 0 for community messages.
positive number
market_wikiID of a wiki page with market description.
positive number
obscene_filterObscene expressions filter in comments. Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – enabled.
flag, either 1 or 0
obscene_stopwordsStopwords filter in comments. Possible values:
  • 0 – disabled;
  • 1 – enabled.
flag, either 1 or 0
obscene_wordsKeywords for stopwords filter.
list of comma-separated words
positive number
positive number
positive number
positive number
Returns 1 if succeeded.
1260Invalid screen name
Global errors can occur while running. See their descriptions on this page.