Developers » API methods » Apps » apps.get
Returns applications data.
This method can be called by a service token. Only public data is returned.
This method can be called with a user token.
app_idApplication ID.
positive number
app_idsList of application IDs.
list of comma-separated words, the maximum number of elements allowed is 100
platformPlatform. Possible values:
  • ios — iOS;
  • android — Android;
  • winphone — Windows Phone;
  • web — apps on
By default: web.
string, default web
extended1 — to return additional field screenshots;
0 — not to return additional fields (by default).
flag, either 1 or 0, default 0
return_friends1 — to return additional profile fields of friends in app (access_token is required);
0 — not to return additional fields (by default).
flag, either 1 or 0, default 0
fieldsProfile fields to return.
Sample values: sex, bdate, city, country, photo_50, photo_100, photo_200_orig, photo_200, photo_400_orig, photo_max, photo_max_orig, online, online_mobile, lists, domain, has_mobile, contacts, connections, site, education, universities, schools, can_post, can_see_all_posts, can_see_audio, can_write_private_message, status, last_seen, common_count, relation, relatives, counters, screen_name, timezone.

(only if return_friends = 1)
list of comma-separated words
name_caseCase for declension of user name and surname. Possible values:
  • nom — nominative (by default);
  • gen — genitive;
  • dat — dative;
  • acc — accusative;
  • ins — instrumental;
  • abl — prepositional.

(only if return_friends = 1)
Returns total results number in count field and an array of app objects in items field.
Global errors can occur while running. See their descriptions on this page.
Version historyShow all
ads.getStatistics - из ответа убрано поле goals, вместо него возвращается поле lead_form_sends.

apps.getActivity - для типа achievement появляется новый объект media, содержащий по ключу images картинки для данной ачивки. Если картинок нет, то поле media будет отсутствовать.

apps.get и объект приложения добавлены 2 новых поля:
mobile_controls_type и mobile_view_support_type, которые описывают, как отображаются элементы управления для игр в вебвью в нативных клиентах.

mobile_controls_type = 0 - прозрачный элемент управления поверх области с игрой;
mobile_controls_type = 1 - чёрная полоска над областью с игрой;
mobile_controls_type = 2 - только для vk apps, без контроллов.

mobile_view_support_type = 0 - игра не использует нижнюю часть экрана на iPhoneX, черная полоса есть.
mobile_view_support_type = 1 - игра использует нижнюю часть экрана на iPhoneX, черной полосы нет.
Affects methods apps.get, ads.getStatistics
App object has new values in type field:
  • app — social app;
  • game — game;
  • site — third-party website;
  • standalone — standalone app;
  • vk_app — VK App приложение
  • community_app — community application;
  • html5_game — HTML5 game.
is_html5_app field will not be returned.

messages.getConversationMembers method can return new 917 error.

Polls API changes:
Fields names and image sizes for icons and banners has been changed in the app object.
Affects methods apps.get, apps.getCatalog
apps.get и apps.getCatalog methods returns photo object for screenshots fields. Add in_read, out_read fields in response of messages.getDialogs, messages.getHistory and messages.getLongPollHistory methods. Add peer_id parameter for messages.send, messages.sendSticker, messages.deleteDialog, messages.setActivity and messages.getHistory methods.
Added input parameters: app_ids, return_friends. Added installed, screenshots fields.
Affects methods apps.get