Support » Fixing WordPress » Where is My WordPress 5.5?

  • My WordPress has gone from version 5.5 to Classicpress 1.1.4? How did this occur? Ever since this has occurred, none of my important plugins work, especially my Woo Commerce!
    Do you have any suggestions?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • You’ll need to figure out who switched you to ClassicPress and why.

    We can’t support ClassicPress itself as it is a fork of WordPress that has been changed to what they wanted their CMS to be.

    I can see your site is hosted at GoDaddy so maybe a call to them or whoever helps you with your website could shed some light on this change.

    • This reply was modified 1 day, 12 hours ago by JNashHawkins.

    Hallo there,

    I’m sorry. If this wasn’t something you intended, it must have been quite a fright.

    There is a plugin that converts from WordPress to the fork you currently seem to be using.
    The latest versions of WooCommerce rely on functions that were not available in WP 4.9.x. (which is where the fork was made from).

    If you are making use of a web developer, it may be that they installed the plugin. You can check whether it still appears as active on your list of plugins or not. The plugin is only meant for conversion, so it is usually deleted right after.

    If you are not using a web developer and if you are not comfortable with reading and checking code, you may want to have a look at plugins from the official plugin directory. You can find the Classic Editor here:

    If you are not making use of a web developer and want to convert back to WordPress, here are some things you need to know:
    – There isn’t currently a plugin to convert back;
    – You can make use of Softaculous to convert back. You can do this by setting it to auto-update to the latest major and minor versions. HOWEVER, the more versions of WordPress are released, the more the fork differs from the original. So, if you’re going to do this, make sure that you have a backup! Have your host help with this, if you are unsure.
    – You can restore a backup (if you have one) and update to 5.5. from there. This may be your best option (I am not aware of anyone who has tested a conversion to 5.5.) if you do not have significant data since the conversion happened. (This may be unlikely if you are running WC and have a busy store.)

    Just an extra note: After converting back, you can temporarily install a security plugin that checks for any changes to Core files.
    Something like this could work: The fork creates extra files – and although it probably won’t be a huge deal if they remain – it should help you to get back to a standard installation.

    Best wishes!

    • This reply was modified 1 day, 9 hours ago by Carike. Reason: Added some extra info
    • This reply was modified 1 day, 9 hours ago by Carike.

    – There isn’t currently a plugin to convert back;

    This is incorrect. The ClassicPress migration plugin also allows converting back to WordPress via the “Show advanced controls” section.

    Good luck @busybv.

    That’s good that the plugin does that!

    Let’s don’t forget that ClassicPress could be a good solution for some people who want to just continue blogging, present an informational page, have no need for the newer editor, the latest WordPress enhancements, or plugins that need the latest WordPress.

    As long as the support is there it might be a fine idea to pursue.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    *Raises hand*

    Just to stay on point:

    busybv, if you have the option to do this step then please make a backup first and give this a try.

    The ClassicPress migration plugin also allows converting back to WordPress via the “Show advanced controls” section.

    If that’s not an option, do you have a file and database backup from before this happened to your site?

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