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Rostechnadzor hosted briefing meeting with representatives of embassies of major coalmining countries


On 11 May 2017, Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) hosted a briefing meeting with representatives of the embassies of major coalmining countries: Australia, Bulgaria, Germany, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Poland, Slovenia, USA and Vietnam. This event took place in furtherance of the Rostechnadzor’s initiative to establish an International Forum of regulatory authorities for coalmining safety.

DSC_5474d.jpgSo far the coalmining remains one of the most inherently dangerous industries. With this in mind, Rostechnadzor put forward a proposal to set up an international consultative platform to exchange experience and best practices of safety regulation in coalmining.

During the meeting the participants familiarized themselves with the key objectives of the Forum, work management and membership conditions.

The Forum membership can be acquired by national regulatory authorities for coalmining safety, while the general work of the Forum will be performed via working groups remotely. Currently, the membership has already been confirmed by the regulatory authorities of Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, China, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

As a briefing meeting result, representatives of the embassies expressed willingness to forward the information about the Rostechnadzor’s initiative to the regulatory authorities in their countries.

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