Home Tag "MyCAA"

Military Spouses: You May Be Eligible for a MyCAA Scholarship

By Marty McKee
Editor, In Military Education

If you’re the spouse of an active-duty service member in pay grades E1-E5, W1-W2, or O1-O2 or the spouse of an activated Guard or Reserve member within those ranks, you’re eligible to receive funds from the federal government’s Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) program.

But less than 20% of you are using that money. Continue Reading

Maximizing Military Education Benefits: An Insider’s View

Brief Summary of MyCAA

by Bradley Hood Contributor, InMilitaryEducation.com In a previous post I discussed the ability that 9/11 GI bill eligible individuals have to transfer their benefit to a dependent. I have been meaning to discuss other benefits available to military spouses, but have taken a bit of time because I am still new to the world of dependent benefits. Recently my wife and I came across MyCAA, which stands for Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts.

Maximizing Military Education Benefits: An Insider’s View

How to Live Out Your Educational Future as a Military Spouse

By John Aldrich Associate Vice President, Military Relations at American Military University It isn’t uncommon for a military spouse to put his or her own education and career goals on the back-burner because of family commitments. While it can be challenging to find the time to take classes, there are ways to make it work for you and your family.

AMU’s Freedom Grant: Maximize Your Military Education Benefits