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World’s Best Innovative
Noise Cancellation Technology
Powered by Deep Neural Network

We collected and listened to:




Distinct Speakers


Hours of Audio

Based on these, we learned and developed a neural network called krispNet DNN. We enhanced it by adding our “secret sauce”, and the result is magical audio processing that can recognize and remove any noise.


How Does Krisp Work with
Conferencing Apps?

Krisp adds an additional layer between your physical microphone/speaker and conferencing apps, which doesn’t let any noise pass through.


Krisp is Privacy Centric

All audio processing happens directly on your laptop. We don’t store or send any of your voice data to the servers.


Choose the right platform for you

Both come with 120 min/week for free


Desktop App

  • Easy install & setup
  • Mute microphone noise
  • Supports all communication apps
  • Mute speaker noise
  • Highest-quality noise cancellation
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Download For Windows Mac or iOS


Chrome Extension

  • One-click install
  • Mute microphone noise
  • Use with any communication web app inside Chrome
    (e.g. Google Meets, Webex)
Install Extension

Desktop app and extension can be installed and used on same device

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