• Top 5 Android App Development Companies To Seek in 2020


      The mobile app industry is at its peak of success and keeps evolving with the latest mobile app development technologies in future. It doesn’t matter which business you run but without an app, you cannot grow in this competitive environment.

      An Android app is enough to make you achieve all your business goals. In 2019, there were around 2.13 billion apps downloaded from Google Play Store which clearly indicates its huge demand in near future and so the demand for Android app development companies in 2020.

      According to AppBrain stats, there are over 2,963,573 Android apps on Google Play at present and approx. 1,365,868 no. of apps with rating.


      With so many app development companies around us make it difficult to select the reliable Android app development company especially when it comes to business owners. Finding a cost-effective company which can give satisfactory results is not much difficult as it seems to you.

      All you need to pick a sorted collection of the best Android app development companies where you can find the one which suits your business. Here, I have sorted a list of top 5 Android App Development Companies that you can partner with in 2020.
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    • Sberbank Online iOS testing

      • Tutorial
      Theory of testing is usually differs from practice. Today we want to talk about our practical experience in testing application's code which is used by millions of iOS users and about the difficult path that our team finished in order to achieve stable code.

      Let’s imagine: the developers successfully convinced themselves and the business of the need to cover the code with tests. Over time, in the project were created more than a dozen thousand unit- and more than a thousand UI-tests. Such a large test base araised several problems, and we successfully found the solution for them.
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    • The Project «Fabula»: How to find the desired video-fragment or person in a pile of video files?

        If a person is far over 20, then he has already accumulated a huge film library of his life, as well as videos from friends, relatives, and from his place of work… It is no longer possible to find someone or something specific there. Recently, I was preparing a video compilation for my daughter's anniversary – I spent a week. The media is all the more overloaded with video archives. And every day, millions of terabytes of video content appear in the world. And this is in the era of BIG DATA.

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      • Under the Hood of PVS-Studio for Java: How We Develop Diagnostics

          To keep it interesting, this time I'd like to tell about our approach to developing and polishing diagnostic rules for PVS-Studio Java. You will learn how we keep existing warnings consistent across releases and why the new ones aren't too weird. I'll also share a bit of inside information on what plans we, the Java team, have for the future, and show you a few interesting (and a few plain) bugs we found using the diagnostics from the upcoming release.
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        • Static Analysis: baseline VS diff

          • Translation
          If you use static analyzers, you will have, sooner or later, to address the task of making their integration into existing projects easier, where fixing all warnings on legacy code is unfeasible.

          The purpose of this article is not to help with integration but rather to elaborate on the technicalities of the process: the exact implementations of warning suppression mechanisms and pros and cons of each approach.


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        • AdBlock has stolen the banner, but banners are not teeth — they will be back

        • Памятка для пострадавшего от слезоточивого газа/перцового баллона

          • Tutorial
          Началась эта история еще в докоронавирусное время, еще тогда когда в моем LAB66 была всего пара тысяч подписчиков и работал бот-автоответчик. И вот в этот бот как-то постучался русскоговорящий парень из Чили и задал вопрос про слезоточивый газ. Про то, как жить вообще, когда по улицам ездят автомобили и распыляют «просроченный слезоточивый газ из Бразилии». Тогда я клятвенно пообещал вопросом этим заняться. Прошло… а прошло всего лишь полгода (хотя из-за обилия событий в 2020 кажется, что прошло 20 лет :) и я решил наконец написать парню ответ. Извини за задержку, Sergio из Чили, я был занят коронавирусом… Читай ответ под катом!

          Всякое в жизни бывает, а вдруг да и пригодится...
        • Spring transaction management. Isolation and propagation


            In my opinion transaction management is a really important topic for each backend developer. In general, people don’t pay attention to it while using Spring framework.

            But I think, it is important to know how to use transactions properly. Because sometimes can happen that there was an exception thrown inside your method, but transaction was not rolled back and it is not clear why? Or some other “strange” cases.

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          • Lossless ElasticSearch data migration

            • Translation

            Academic data warehouse design recommends keeping everything in a normalized form, with links between. Then the roll forward of changes in relational math will provide a reliable repository with transaction support. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability — that's all. In other words, the storage is explicitly built to safely update the data. But it is not optimal for searching, especially with a broad gesture on the tables and fields. We need indices, a lot of indices! Volumes expand, recording slows down. SQL LIKE can not be indexed, and JOIN GROUP BY sends us to meditate in the query planner.

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          • Boot Ubuntu via http/ftp server with pxe(diskless boot)

            • Tutorial


            PXE is a great solution for booting a diskless computer (or a computer without an OS installed). This method is often used for terminal stations and OS mass installation.

            Stock ubuntu (16.04) in pxe-mode can mount rootfs only from NFS. But this is not a great idea: any difficulties with the network/NFS server and the user gets problems.

            In my opinion, it's best to use other protocols, such as http/ftp. Once booting, you will have an independent system

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          • EVVIS-QR1 USB Programmable TOTP hardware token

              imageToday, we are presenting a new type of TOTP hardware tokens — USB Programmable token that displays the OTP value as a QR code and also can send the current OTP value over USB as a part of its HID emulation feature.

              What is EVVIS-QR1?

              EVVIS-QR1 is a hardware device developed primarily for Electronic visit verification (EVV) information systems (hence the name). It is a standards-based TOTP hardware token that can also be programmed over USB. The OTP generated is shown on the display both as regular digits as well as a QR image. Both features (OTP shown as QR code and HID keyboard emulation) are intended to make it possible to minimize typos when entering the OTP.
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            • How to Build a Video Conference App: Top 10 Popular Video Conferencing API's/SDK for Enterprise Business

                As the world rearranges into virtualized societal norms, the most convenient and simplified interaction for businesses or socially has come from video-based apps. Extensive use of these conferencing apps is trending Post COVID-19 pandemic. Statista.com has tracked the high number of video conference app downloads from AppStore and GoogleStore for the following:
                Video conferencing App / Country Hangouts Meet Houseparty Ms Teams Zoom
                USA 30 8 11 4
                France 23 30 16 2
                Germany 15 26 11 17
                Spain 64 2360 15 27
                Italy 140 423 30 55

                The convenience of these apps is defined by their rich-features: video calling, ability to share screens, and interact in real-time.
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              • What is IPTV and How to Start Your Own IPTV Service?


                  The term IPTV isn’t that well-known outside the world of media and streaming. However, it’s most people have likely used it without even knowing what it is– and they’re likely to use it even more in the future.

                  IPTV is a huge part of the paradigm shift from traditional modes of broadcasting, including cable TV and radio, to internet-based streaming. It is growing at a steady rate in today’s internet-friendly landscape, with newer, better services and providers mushrooming every day.

                  Here’s everything you need to know about this concept, from the definition of IPTV to how to create your own IPTV service.

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                • The Testcontainers’ MongoDB Module and Spring Data MongoDB Reactive in Action

                  1. Introduction

                  How can I easily test my MongoDB multi-document transaction code without setting up MongoDB on my device? One might argue that they have to set it up first because in order to carry out such a transaction it needs a session which requires a replica set. Thankfully, there is no need to create a 3-node replica set and we can run these transactions only against a single database instance.

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                • C2x: the future C standard


                    I strain to make the far-off echo yield
                    A cue to the events that may come in my day.
                    (‘Doctor Zhivago’, Boris Pasternak)

                    I’ll be honest: I don’t write in pure C that often anymore and I haven’t been following the language’s development for a long time. However, two unexpected things happened recently: С won back the title of the most popular programming language according to TIOBE, and the first truly interesting book in years on this language was published. So, I decided to spend a few evenings studying material on C2x, the future version of C.

                    Here I will share with you what I consider to be its most interesting new features.

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                  • Modern COBOL: Microservice Tutorial

                    • Tutorial

                    You will learn and implement a microservice in COBOL without Mainframe. You will structure the project, manage dependencies, implement automatic tests and build virtualized execution environment. Finally, you will publish the microservice on GitHub under Continuous Integration workflow.

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                  • PVS-Studio: analyzing pull requests in Azure DevOps using self-hosted agents

                      Static code analysis is most effective when changing a project, as errors are always more difficult to fix in the future than at an early stage. We continue expanding the options for using PVS-Studio in continuous development systems. This time, we'll show you how to configure pull request analysis using self-hosted agents in Microsoft Azure DevOps, using the example of the Minetest game.
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                    • Top 10 Kotlin App Development Companies 2020-21


                        Kotlin is a JVM compatible & Java interoperable language that is the most-encouraged language by Google for developing Android apps & production-grade systems. According to Snyk, over the last few years, Kotlin has gained a huge user and developer base for robust, and secure app development.

                        The user-base has been shifted from 2.4% to 5.4%, that is a growth of 130% in the user population. This population growth and increment in its usage has made it the second most popular JVM language, that is quite surprising.

                        The reason for Kotlin application development is its 100% interoperability with Java. Around 7.78% of the world developers use Kotlin as their primary coding language. According to insights.dice- Kotlin is used 96% for new projects and 36% for migrating applications from Java to Kotlin. You can use it directly with Java code to make it more efficient, and it works concurrently or without any issue.


                        Many benchmark android applications of startups to moonshots have been built using Kotlin. Various startups and brands like EverNote, Twitter, Netflix, Slack, American Express, Airbnb, Adobe, and many others from different industry verticals opted for Kotlin app development.
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