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7 Employee Benefits Open Enrollment Gotchas

Here’s something to pay attention to during benefits open enrollment season: Health insurance premiums may be stable but employees are getting socked with higher out-of-pocket costs including co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles, leading to much higher overall out-of-pocket costs. That means it’s more important than ever to stay on top of ways to mitigate the damage.

North Korea’s Artillery Could Inflict 200,000 Casualties In Just One Hour

Shakespeare acting program helps veterans deal with emotions

MILWAUKEE (AP) — William Shakespeare’s words from more than 400 years ago are proving to be healing for modern-day veterans.

A group of Milwaukee-area actors started workshops in which veterans depict conflict-heavy scenes from Shakespeare’s plays, aimed at helping the former service members deal with post-traumatic stress disorder, addiction and reintegration issues, and mental health problems. Continue Reading

Why Ancient Equipment Led to Nine Servicemember Deaths

Veterans with PTSD praise audio-therapy results

SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) — On March 23, 1994, as it made its approach to Pope Air Force Base in North Carolina, the nose of an F-16 clipped the right rear elevator of a C-130 in mid-air. Although the stricken transport managed to circle around for a safe landing, the jet fighter crew had to eject as their doomed plane, on full afterburner, hurtled toward the base. Continue Reading

North Korea’s Artillery Could Inflict 200,000 Casualties In Just One Hour