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Do Not Sell My Info - California Residents

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), California residents are provided certain rights in relation to their personal information. For more information about your CCPA rights and our data practices relating to your personal information, please review our Privacy Policy.

We may share your personal information with third parties in ways that constitute "sales" under the CCPA. You may request that we not "sell" your personal information on a going forward basis. Please keep in mind that if you exercise your right to opt out of the "sale" of your personal information, you may still see certain ads on our sites and mobile apps, and some data collection will still take place (for example, to detect or prevent fraud or deliver the services you request from us).

If you are a California resident and wish to exercise the right to opt out of the “sale” of your personal information, complete the interactive form below.

Start by confirming your residential zip code.

Only California residents are eligible.
Fields marked with * are required.

You also may initiate a request by sending an email to [email protected] with your first and last name, student ID (if any), mailing address, and phone number.

You may engage an authorized agent to exercise on your behalf the right to opt out of “sales” of your personal information. To do so, we must have a valid power of attorney on file or receive your written permission for the authorized agent to exercise the right to opt out on your behalf. Your written permission must be provided along with your first and last name, student ID (if any), mailing address, and phone number.

We are not responsible for requests where you have provided us with insufficient information to confirm your identity. You may be required to resubmit a request if we do not receive such necessary information.