Home Wes O'Donnell

Wes O'Donnell

A veteran of both the US Army and US Air Force, Professor Wes O’Donnell is a highly sought after presenter who has recently spoken at TEDx on Data Visualization and the US Air Force Academy on Leadership. He is noted for his fascinating, informative, dynamic and entertaining keynotes. Wes educates companies and government organizations on a number of topics ranging from emerging technology and big data visualization to veteran’s issues and leadership. But Wes’ best talks tend to center around his personal journey from poverty to distinguished entrepreneur and professor; a truly inspiring journey.

REVIEW: Chasing the Light – Oliver Stone’s Intimate Autobiography

Making art is no picnic. Stone’s 330-page memoir, out on July 21 and covering his life and career up to his first major achievement — winning an Oscar for his 1986 Platoon, highlights many of the difficulties of “surviving the movie game.”

Would the US Get Involved in a War Between China and Taiwan?

In national security circles, Taiwan (officially the Republic of China) is considered one of many flashpoints that could erupt into a shooting war.

US Military Is Long Overdue for its ‘#Me Too’ Movement

The death of Spc. Vanessa Guillén at Fort Hood has brought renewed attention to the long fight against military sexual violence.

This Independence Day, We Celebrate the Idea of America

Each year, millions of Americans gather on July 4th, the birth anniversary of the United States as an independent nation. For many, it’s a time of family, fireworks and food off the grill.

Transitioning Out of Active Duty during COVID-19

Transitioning out of active duty during the novel coronavirus pandemic is likely to require additional planning before being discharged.

Why Were 10 Army Posts Named After Confederate Generals?

As a soldier between 1997 and 2003 and an airman between 2003 and 2007, much of my time in the military was spent at what we might today call “rebel forts.”