Maximizing Military Education Benefits: An Insider’s View

One of the first and most important concepts that I learned was that college credit can be awarded for a servicemember’s training, which includes basic

The U.S. Army is Rolling Along With WWII-Inspired Uniform

One of my many complaints while serving as an infantryman in the 101st Airborne Division was how ugly our dress uniform was.

The Bonhomme Richard Fire Could Set the Navy Back Years

The massive fire aboard the billion-dollar U.S. Navy warship, the USS Bonhomme Richard, may set the Navy back years as it reshuffles its resources to close a capability gap in the Pacific.

REVIEW: Chasing the Light – Oliver Stone’s Intimate Autobiography

Making art is no picnic. Stone’s 330-page memoir, out on July 21 and covering his life and career up to his first major achievement — winning an Oscar for his 1986 Platoon, highlights many of the difficulties of “surviving the movie game.”

Maximizing Military Education Benefits: An Insider’s View

The U.S. Army is Rolling Along With WWII-Inspired Uniform

The Bonhomme Richard Fire Could Set the Navy Back Years

REVIEW: Chasing the Light – Oliver Stone’s Intimate Autobiography