“...some truly amazing digital art wallpapers”
― cnet.com

* Wallpaper: Library

Vladstudio is the project of digital artist Vlad Gerasimov.
Since 1998, I've created 500+ digital art pieces, available as:

Vlad's art continues to evolve in exciting new ways. So glad I'm a registered member.
Worth every penny and the value of  my membership keeps growing with time!
Mike G

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Space walk

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Latest visitors comments

keshav  ·  29 July 23:36  ·  Christmas Alien Abduction

jiang  ·  29 July 22:10  ·  Autumn Gradient
it is good wallpaper.

Techiean  ·  29 July 07:16  ·  Self Portrait 2009
Would love to have a girl version :). yeah I know this is a self portrait lol

Scott Kuntzelman  ·  28 July 23:06  ·  Alexei Leonov
Gorgeous work! And such a fitting tribute!

Blake  ·  28 July 17:27  ·  Autumn Gradient
love it

sk555  ·  27 July 01:10  ·  Lost
Безусловно, лучшая работа

sk555  ·  27 July 01:09  ·  Apple Stitched
Отлично ))

刘怡茹  ·  26 July 11:52  ·  Dear Moon, Merry Christmas

yang  ·  23 July  ·  The First Flight
my love

yang  ·  23 July  ·  A Man With A Very Long Hand