The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Council of Europe and are organising a two-day seminar “Inter-agency co-operation: models to prevent and combat violence against women at the regional level” in Astrakhan on 9-10 April 2019. The seminar aims to share promising practices and experiences in inter-agency co-operation in the field of preventing social disadvantages and combating violence against women among several regions of the Russian Federation and from other countries. The participants will have an opportunity to discuss policies and legislation as regards prevention, protection, prosecution and integrated approach to violence against women by analysing different models presented, identifying challenges and needs for combating and preventing violence against women at local levels.

The seminar will be attended by Alexey Vovchenko, the First Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the representative the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Vinogradov, Deputy Head of the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Petr Sich, Head of the Council of Europe Programme Office in the Russian Federation and Aleška Simkić, Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to the Russian Federation, Deputy Governors and regional ministers of several regions in charge of social affairs, regional Commissioners on human rights, national and international experts, heads of the regional crisis centres, representatives of civil society and media.

The seminar is organised within the framework of the joint project “Co-operation on the implementation of the Russian Federation National Action Strategy for Women (2017-2022)”. The project will focus on developing knowledge and skills in two areas of the Russian National Action Strategy for Women (2017-2022): 1) preventing social disadvantage of women and violence against women and 2) women’s participation in public and political life.