Download Debian 10.4(64-bit PC Network installer)


Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run.

Debian provides more than a pure OS: it comes with over 59000 packages, precompiled software bundled up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine. Read more...

The latest stable release of Debian is 10.4. The last update to this release was made on May 9th, 2020. Read more about available versions of Debian.

Getting Started

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In addition, users that speak languages other than English may check the international section, and, people who use systems other than Intel x86 should check the ports section.


[18 Jul 2020] Updated Debian 9: 9.13 released
[09 Jul 2020] Debian 8 Long Term Support reaching end-of-life
[16 Jun 2020] Ampere donates Arm64 server hardware to Debian to fortify the Arm ecosystem
[09 May 2020] Updated Debian 10: 10.4 released
[16 Mar 2020] Official communication channels for Debian
[08 Feb 2020] Updated Debian 10: 10.3 released

For older news items see the News Page. If you would like to receive mail whenever new Debian news comes out, subscribe to the debian-announce mailing list.

Security Advisories

[19 Jul 2020] DSA-4731 redis - security update
[19 Jul 2020] DSA-4730 ruby-sanitize - security update
[17 Jul 2020] DSA-4727 tomcat9 - security update
[17 Jul 2020] DSA-4726 nss - security update
[15 Jul 2020] DSA-4725 evolution-data-server - security update
[15 Jul 2020] DSA-4724 webkit2gtk - security update
[12 Jul 2020] DSA-4723 xen - security update
[08 Jul 2020] DSA-4722 ffmpeg - security update
[08 Jul 2020] DSA-4721 ruby2.5 - security update
[08 Jul 2020] DSA-4720 roundcube - security update
[06 Jul 2020] DSA-4719 php7.3 - security update
[05 Jul 2020] DSA-4718 thunderbird - security update
[05 Jul 2020] DSA-4717 php7.0 - security update

For older security advisories see the Security Page. If you would like to receive security advisories as soon as they're announced, subscribe to the debian-security-announce mailing list.