Ticket prices increase March 20,2020.  Register now to save $100 off last chance pricing.  Registration has been temporarily suspended due to the Travel Ban. Look for updates soon.  Midwest PHP has been converted to a virtual conference. Join us via our free stream or on Nomad PHP.

Midwest PHP 2021

Minneapolis, MN • March 18th &-; 20th

Midwest PHP bas been converted to a Virtual Conference. Read what this means for you »

3 Days, 60 Sessions, Certifications, & More!

Last year's speakers included:

Cal Evans
"Godfather of PHP"
Jesse Davis
Fmr. EVP Technology, DZone
Ankit Sobti
Co-founder/ CTO, Postman
Valentine Boineau
Développeuse, Symfony

See all Speakers

Choose Your Ticket, Track, or Mix & Match!

For those interested in learning programming and wondering how to use PHP, join us for three days of friendly instructor led hands on training - for free!
Everyday PHP
In this track you'll learn about the evolution of PHP, learn about new tools and frameworks, and master the skills that will help you in your day to day programming.
Security & Performance
This track is completley focused on helping protect your business and your customers, while helping you implement the latest technologies to thwart hackers and ensure scalability.
Enterprise PHP
Tackling unprecedented problems requires unprecedented scale and maturity. In this track, you'll earn from experienced practioners using PHP to power their HA, mission-critical applications.

Get Your FREE Ticket     Register Now     See the Schedule

200+ Additional Digital Sessions On-Demand!

Midwest PHP is the only conference to offer a full digital library, giving you access to even more sessions day or night!

Data Collection, Privacy, & You

Making Faces: A Look at
Facial Recognition

Cryptography in Depth

Testing Like You've Never Tested Before

Solving Problems with Trees

What the FLOAT?!?
Minneapolis, MN


This year Midwest PHP will be held in the newly rennovated, downtown Minneapolis Marriott City Center hotel, with easy access via public transportion and close to the new Vikings Stadium, Target Field, shopping centers, restaurants, museums, entertainment, and more.

Learn More

2021 Sponsors .

We are proud to partner with these amazing companies

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