MariaDB Server: The open source relational database

MariaDB Server Fest 14-20 Sep 2020

Join our Online Conference in September! In three different time zones, we will meet users of MariaDB Server for two packed days of presentations, interactions and insights. The Call for Papers is open. And we have a favour to ask everyone considering attending: Please fill in our Call for Attendance survey! We need your help to ensure that we do logistics right when it comes to timing and formats, that we cover all topics that interest you, and that we prepare interactivity and tools in the best possible way. Registration is not open yet. With the survey not yet concluded, the jury is still out on details;…

MariaDB Server Fest 14-20 Sep 2020

Join our Online Conference in September! In three different time zones, we will meet users of MariaDB Server for two packed days of presentations, interactions and insights. […]

MariaDB Server Fest CfP extended until Wed 15 July 2020

Thank you for the many submissions to our Call for Papers, and to your insightful replies to our Call for Attendees.
Based on the CfA replies and other feedback given to us, we could draw a few conclusions. […]

ColumnStore Native Part of MariaDB 10.5

On Wednesday 24 June 2020, MariaDB Server 10.5 was released GA. While there are several cool new features included, this first 10.5 blog is about the groundbreaking new component, ColumnStore. […]

MariaDB 10.5.4 now available

The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.5.4, the first stable release in the MariaDB 10.5 series.
See the release notes and changelogs for details. […]

Selecting the right database

How do you select a database in practice? How do you pretend to select it? And, if you want to be serious, how do you select it logically? […]