
200th Gentoo Council meeting (May 10, 2020)

council group photo

Way back in 2005, the reorganization of Gentoo led to the formation of the Gentoo Council, a steering body elected annually by the Gentoo developers. Forward 15 years, and today we had our 200th meeting! (No earth shaking decisions were taken today though.) The logs and summaries of all meetings can be read online on the archive page.

Reviving Gentoo Bugday (May 8, 2020)

bug outline

Reviving an old tradition, the next Gentoo Bugday will take place on Saturday 2020-06-06. Let’s contribute to Gentoo and fix bugs! We will focus on two topics in particular:

  • Adding or improving documentation on the Gentoo wiki
  • Fixing packages that fail with -fno-common (bug #705764)

Join us on channel #gentoo-bugday, freenode IRC, for real-time help. See you on 2020-06-06!

AArch64 (arm64) profiles are now stable! (Aug 11, 2019) logo

The ARM64 project is pleased to announce that all ARM64 profiles are now stable.

While our developers and users have contributed significantly in this accomplishment, we must also thank our Packet sponsor for their contribution. Providing the Gentoo developer community with access to bare metal hardware has accelerated progress in achieving the stabilization of the ARM64 profiles.

Gentoo GNOME 3.30 for all init systems (Mar 27, 2019)

GNOME logo

GNOME 3.30 is now available in Gentoo Linux testing branch. Starting with this release, GNOME on Gentoo once again works with OpenRC, in addition to the usual systemd option. This is achieved through the elogind project, a standalone logind implementation based on systemd code, which is currently maintained by a fellow Gentoo user. Gentoo would like to thank Mart Raudsepp (leio), Gavin Ferris, and all others working on this for their contributions. More information can be found in Mart’s blog post.

FOSDEM 2019 (Jan 9, 2019)


It’s FOSDEM time again! Join us at Université libre de Bruxelles, Campus du Solbosch, in Brussels, Belgium. This year’s FOSDEM 2019 will be held on February 2nd and 3rd.

Our developers will be happy to greet all open source enthusiasts at our Gentoo stand in building K. Visit this year’s wiki page to see who’s coming. So far eight developers have specified their attendance, with most likely many more on the way!

Gentoo congratulates our GSoC participants (Sep 7, 2018)

GSOC logo Gentoo would like to congratulate Gibix and JSteward for finishing and passing Google’s Summer of Code for the 2018 calendar year. Gibix contributed by enhancing Rust (programming language) support within Gentoo. JSteward contributed by making a full Gentoo GNU/Linux distribution, managed by Portage, run on devices which use the original Android-customized kernel.

The final reports of their projects can be reviewed on their personal blogs:

Congratulations: Hanno Böck and co-authors win Pwnie! (Aug 12, 2018)

Pwnies logo

Congratulations to security researcher and Gentoo developer Hanno Böck and his co-authors Juraj Somorovsky and Craig Young for winning one of this year’s coveted Pwnie awards!

The award is for their work on the Return Of Bleichenbacher’s Oracle Threat or ROBOT vulnerability, which at the time of discovery affected such illustrious sites as Facebook and Paypal. Technical details can be found in the full paper published at the Cryptology ePrint Archive.

Github Gentoo organization hacked - resolved (Jun 28, 2018)

2018-07-04 14:00 UTC

We believe this incident is now resolved. Please see the incident report for details about the incident, its impact, and resolution.

2018-06-29 15:15 UTC

The community raised questions about the provenance of Gentoo packages. Gentoo development is performed on hardware run by the Gentoo Infrastructure team (not github). The Gentoo hardware was unaffected by this incident. Users using the default Gentoo mirroring infrastructure should not be affected.

If you are still concerned about provenance or are unsure what solution you are using, please consult This will instruct you on how to verify your repository.

2018-06-29 06:45 UTC

The gentoo GitHub organization remains temporarily locked down by GitHub support, pending fixes to pull-request content.

For ongoing status, please see the Gentoo infra-status incident page.

For later followup, please see the Gentoo Wiki page for GitHub 2018-06-28. An incident post-mortem will follow on the wiki.

Gentoo accepted into Google Summer of Code 2018 (Feb 19, 2018)

Students who want to spend their summer having fun and writing code can do so now for Gentoo. Gentoo has been accepted as a mentoring organization for this year’s Google Summer of Code.

The GSoC is an excellent opportunity for gaining real-world experience in software design and making one’s self known in the broader open source community. It also looks great on a resume.

Initial project ideas can be found here, although new projects ideas are welcome. For new projects time is of the essence: there is typically some idea-polishing which must occur before the March 27th deadline. Because of this it is strongly recommended that students refine new project ideas with a mentor before proposing the idea formally.

GSoC students are encouraged to begin discussing ideas in the #gentoo-soc IRC channel on the Freenode network.

Further information can be found on the Gentoo GSoC 2018 wiki page. Those with unanswered questions should not hesitate to contact the Summer of Code mentors via the mailing list.

FOSDEM is near (Jan 30, 2018)

Excitement is building with FOSDEM 2018 only a few days away. There are now 14 current and one former developer in planned attendance, along with many from the Gentoo community.

This year one Gentoo related talk titled Unix? Windows? Gentoo! will be given by Michael Haubenwallner (haubi ) of the Gentoo Prefix project.

Two more non-Gentoo related talks will be given by current Gentoo developers:

If you attend don’t miss out on your opportunity to build the Gentoo web-of-trust by bringing a valid governmental ID, a printed key fingerprint, and various UIDs you want certified. See you at FOSDEM!

FOSDEM 2018 (Jan 3, 2018)

FOSDEM 2018 logo

Put on your cow bells and follow the herd of Gentoo developers to Université libre de Bruxelles in Brussels, Belgium. This year FOSDEM 2018 will be held on February 3rd and 4th.

Our developers will be ready to candidly greet all open source enthusiasts at the Gentoo stand in building K. Visit this year’s wiki page to see which developer will be running the stand during the different visitation time slots. So far seven developers have specified their attendance, with most-likely more on the way!

Unlike past years, Gentoo will not be hosting a keysigning party, however participants are encouraged to exchange and verify OpenPGP key data to continue building the Gentoo Web of Trust. See the wiki article for more details.

Hardened Linux kernel sources removal (Aug 19, 2017)

As you may know the core of sys-kernel/hardened-sources has been the grsecurity patches. Recently the grsecurity developers have decided to limit access to these patches. As a result, the Gentoo Hardened team is unable to ensure a regular patching schedule and therefore the security of the users of these kernel sources. Thus, we will be masking hardened-sources on the 27th of August and will proceed to remove them from the main ebuild repository by the end of September. We recommend to use sys-kernel/gentoo-sources instead. Userspace hardening and support for SELinux will of course remain in the Gentoo ebuild repository. Please see the full news item for additional information and links.

Five Gentoo developers scheduled for talks at FOSDEM (Feb 2, 2017)

FOSDEM 2017 logo

As FOSDEM 2017 approaches we are happy to announce there are a total of five Gentoo developers scheduled to give talks!

Developers and their talks include:

Only a few hours remain until the event kicks off. See you at FOSDEM!

In Memory of Jonathan “avenj” Portnoy (Aug 23, 2016)

The Gentoo project mourns the loss of Jonathan Portnoy, better known amongst us as Jon, or avenj.

Jon was an active member of the International Gentoo community, almost since its founding in 1999. He was still active until his last day.

His passing has struck us deeply and with disbelief. We all remember him as a vivid and enjoyable person, easy to reach out to and energetic in all his endeavors.

On behalf of the entire Gentoo Community, all over the world, we would like to convey our deepest sympathy for his family and friends. As per his wishes, the Gentoo Foundation has made a donation in his memory to the Perl Foundation.

Please join the community in remembering Jon on our forums.

Events: FrOSCon 11 (Aug 18, 2016)

This weekend, the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg will host the Free and Open Source Software Conference, better known as FrOSCon. Gentoo will be present there on 20 and 21 August with a chance for you to meet devs and other users, grab merchandise, and compile your own Gentoo button badges.

See you there!

GSoC 2016: Five projects accepted (Apr 28, 2016)

We are excited to announce that 5 students have been selected to participate with Gentoo during the Google Summer of Code 2016!

You can follow our students’ progress on the gentoo-soc mailing list and chat with us regarding our GSoC projects via IRC in #gentoo-soc on freenode.
Congratulations to all the students. We look forward to their contributions!

Find out more about the accepted projects

Gentoo accepted to GSoC 2016 (Feb 29, 2016)

Students are encouraged to start working now on their project proposals. You can peruse the list of ideas or come up with your own. In any case, it is highly recommended you talk to a mentor sooner rather than later. The official application period for student proposals starts on March 14th.

Do not hesitate to join us in the #gentoo-soc channel on freenode. We will be happy to answer your questions there.
More information on Gentoo’s GSoC effort is also available on our Wiki.

Git changes & impact to Overlays hostnames (Apr 25, 2015)

Changes to the Gentoo Git hosting setup may require URL changes in your checkouts: Repositories are now only available via for authenticated users and for read-only traffic.