Apache Flink® — Stateful Computations over Data Streams

All streaming use cases
  • Event-driven Applications
  • Stream & Batch Analytics
  • Data Pipelines & ETL
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Guaranteed correctness
  • Exactly-once state consistency
  • Event-time processing
  • Sophisticated late data handling
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Layered APIs
  • SQL on Stream & Batch Data
  • DataStream API & DataSet API
  • ProcessFunction (Time & State)
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Operational Focus
  • Flexible deployment
  • High-availability setup
  • Savepoints
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Scales to any use case
  • Scale-out architecture
  • Support for very large state
  • Incremental checkpointing
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Excellent Performance
  • Low latency
  • High throughput
  • In-Memory computing
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Flink on Zeppelin Notebooks for Interactive Data Analysis - Part 1

The latest release of Apache Zeppelin comes with a redesigned interpreter for Apache Flink (version Flink 1.10+ is only supported moving forward) that allows developers to use Flink directly on Zeppelin notebooks for interactive data analysis. I wrote 2 posts about how to use Flink in Zeppelin. This is part-1 where I explain how the Flink interpreter in Zeppelin works, and provide a tutorial for running Streaming ETL with Flink on Zeppelin.

Flink Community Update - June'20
And suddenly it’s June. The previous month has been calm on the surface, but quite hectic underneath — the final testing phase for Flink 1.11 is moving at full speed, Stateful Functions 2.1 is out in the wild and Flink has made it into Google Season of Docs 2020.
Stateful Functions 2.1.0 Release Announcement

The Apache Flink community is happy to announce the release of Stateful Functions (StateFun) 2.1.0! This release introduces new features around state expiration and performance improvements for co-located deployments, as well as other important changes that improve the stability and testability of the project. As the community around StateFun grows, the release cycle will follow this pattern of smaller and more frequent releases to incorporate user feedback and allow for faster iteration.

Apache Flink 1.10.1 Released

The Apache Flink community released the first bugfix version of the Apache Flink 1.10 series.

Flink Community Update - May'20
Can you smell it? It’s release month! This time around, we’re warming up for Flink 1.11 and peeping back to the past month in the Flink community — with the release of Stateful Functions 2.0, a new self-paced Flink training and some efforts to improve the Flink documentation experience.