Sessions: May 25 – 27, 2021
Workshops: May 28 – June 1, 2021

Join WordPress developers from around the world for this must-attend virtual conference on May 24-28th!

What's WordSesh?

WordSesh is a live, virtual conference for WordPress professionals. Each event is highly curated to provide you with the absolute best possible experience.

Every presenter has been hand-picked and each topic is selected to complement or build on the others.

Best yet, every presentation is recorded and published to WPSessions after the live event has ended. This means you can watch everything no matter when you're available.

Our next event is May 24th-28th, 2021!

Want to know more? Join to the mailing list and stay up-to-date about all future event details!

PS – You should follow @WordSesh on Twitter for announcements.

Adam Silverstein, @roundearth
Allie Nimmons, @allie_nimmons
Alberto Medina, @iAlbMedina
Chloe Chamberland, @infosecchloe
Chris Lema, @chrislema
Daisy Olsen, @DaisyOlsen
Miriam Schwab, @MiriamSchwab
Danielle Zacaro, @pbwebd
Imran Sayed, @imranhsayed
Jennifer Bourn, @jenniferbourn
Stephen Rees-Carter, @valorin
David Das, @daviddas
Donata Stroink-Skillrud, @donataskillrud
Lee Shadle, @leeshadle
Miriam Goldman, @mirigoldman
Monique Dubbleman, @mdubblem
Natalie MacLees, @nataliemac
Tunde Sanusi, @tuhamworld
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Meet the Speakers

To the left you'll find some of the talented speakers that will present at WordSesh this year.

Check back again soon as we continue to publish the full group!


This year we have 21 sessions and 5 in-depth workshops that touch on topics like custom block development, headless WordPress, hacking, client services, accessibility, and user experience.

Every session brings a valuable lesson and perspective to the table, so we highly recommend you should make time to watch them all!

WordSesh 2021 – Day 01

25 May 2021

2:00 UTC

Meet & Greet

All Attendees
2:45 UTC

Opening Remarks

Portrait of Brian Richards Brian Richards Event Host
03:00 UTC

The Tale of Two Community Music Membership Sites

David Das Composer, producer, songwriter

Two music communities take divergent paths towards presenting their offerings to the world. I've been the coordinator behind two large membership sites ( and, both non-profit music organizations that cater to the film and television composing community. We’ll explore how each site was conceptualized, and how we tackled problems such as launching effectively, member communications, event hosting, content access, membership growth, other business considerations, social integration, and more.

03:30 UTC

Great Page Experiences for Everyone

Alberto Medina Developer Relations Engineer, Google

Page Experience (PX) is a new Search ranking signal capturing how users perceive the experience of interacting with a web page. In this talk we will review what PX is, how to reason about it in practice, and how to go about building WordPress sites that bring great PX to our users.

04:00 UTC

Blazing Fast Block Development

Lee Shadle WordPress Freelancer

I've been OBSESSED w/ building blocks since before Gutenberg was released. I've built a BUNCH of custom block plugins over the years. In this talk I'm going to share the framework I've been using for quickly building custom block plugins.

04:30 UTC

Building Custom Blocks

Rob Stinson Product Marketing Manager, WP Engine


05:00 UTC

Block Based Themes – The Future Of Full Site Editing In WordPress

Imran Sayed Sr. WordPress Engineer, rtCamp

Since the launch of Gutenberg, we have been enjoying the great experience of Gutenberg. So far we have been able to take advantage of the WYSIWYG – ‘What You See Is What You Get’, inside the post editor. What would it be like to use Gutenberg outside the editor? Would the traditional admin screens like customizer still exist?

In this talk, you will learn what is different about Block-based themes and how you would be able to use the features like Nav menus and widgets outside of the post-editing screen. This talk will demonstrate many new exciting features and give you a good taste of using the Block-Based Theme.

You will know how the power to decide what the front end of the site will look like will ultimately reside in the user’s hands.

05:30 UTC

How Tailwind Sailed Our Boats

Nirav Mehta Founder, StoreApps

What technology made the biggest difference to us this year? Tailwind CSS - undoubtedly.

We built beautiful UX/UI for our plugins with Tailwind. We migrated our sites to Tailwind. First it was only me who got excited about it, now our entire team is in love.

Why? Our sites look better and load faster. Our plugins feel like solid apps and get their job done in less steps. We even found a way to make Tailwind work with any theme on WordPress frontend - this indeed was a task! In latest news, we've started migrating to Tailwind in our React based product as well.

I'll answer the most pertinent Whys and Hows in this quick talk as we relive our highs and lows with Tailwind!

06:00 UTC

Closing Remarks

Portrait of Brian Richards Brian Richards Event Host
WordSesh 2021 – Day 02

26 May 2021

10:00 UTC

Meet & Greet

All Attendees
10:45 UTC

Opening Remarks

Portrait of Brian Richards Brian Richards Event Host
11:00 UTC

Make your product or website more usable in 10 easy steps

Monique Dubbelman UX strategist, UXATT

Sometimes, it's hard to look at your own work through the end user's eyes. However, it's not that difficult to make your product more usable, simply by applying 10 design principles to your work.

In this talk, I explain these 10 principles with great examples, both how it could and how it shouldn't be done. You can start applying the principles straight away. By doing this, you contribute to making the web a little less frustrating to use.

11:30 UTC

My 5 Favorite WordPress Troubleshooting Tips

Tunde Sanusi WordPress Consultant, TuhamWorld CC

How do you Troubleshoot a WP problem that suddenly arises from nowhere? This session will help you find and fix unexpected bugs faster than ever 🙂

12:00 UTC

Jamstack, headless, static, oh my!

Miriam Schwab Founder and CEO, Strattic

In this talk we'll look at why there is growing interest in the Jamstack approach to web development, what it means in general, and how it is specifically being applied to WordPress. We'll also examine the pros and cons of going Jamstack, when to consider using it and when to avoid it, and the tooling that is available to help you on your way.

12:30 UTC



Check back soon!

13:00 UTC



Check back soon!

13:30 UTC

How the Block Editor Makes It Easier to Build Custom Websites

Danielle Zarcaro Owner & Founder, Paperback Web Development

Extending WordPress to create individualized website can be done through builders, custom themes, child themes — it’s the beauty of WordPress. When WordPress changed to block-focused editing, it forced us to adjust how we thought about this platform we all call home.

But it also created a huge opportunity to extend WordPress in new ways, to make it easier to put just enough control on the content side. It gives us a chance to shift the way we think about creating solutions for clients and how we create processes around building websites.

We’ll focus on embracing blocks with custom sites so we can speak about the general functional and time-saving advantages, and we’ll touch on some ways various builders incorporate native blocks as well. Because when you’re not spending time dealing with each page’s content, you get to spend more time on other fun stuff.

14:00 UTC

Automate Your Configuration: The Joys of WP-CFM

Miriam Goldman WordPress Technical Lead, Kanopi Studios

Throughout our workflows, no matter our hosting provider, we often have to reconfigure items such as General Settings or Active Plugins - and even items such as our Autoptimize settings, or FacetWP facets - per environment.

Fear not! That is where WP-CFM comes in. It allows you to push your configuration from your local development, include it in your version control, and pull it in your higher environments. You can even take it one step further, and include some post-deploy hooks in your CircleCI, or via Pantheon Quicksilver.

We'll touch on what WP-CFM is, why it's awesome, and showcase some examples of how it will save you time, and sanity.

14:30 UTC

Closing Remarks

Portrait of Brian Richards Brian Richards Event Host
WordSesh 2021 – Day 03

27 May 2021

16:00 UTC

Meet & Greet

All Attendees
16:45 UTC

Opening Remarks

Portrait of Brian Richards Brian Richards Event Host
17:00 UTC

How to Teach WordPress

Allie Nimmons Independent Freelancer

If you provide people with WordPress products or services, you should also be thinking about how to teach WordPress itself. The WordPress learning curve is large, but more and more people are willing to learn every day. Teaching WordPress in conjunction with your product or service means your clients or customers are more educated, empowered, and enthusiastic than they would be otherwise. In this talk, Allie looks at the possible ways to teach people how to use WordPress - from blog posts to videos to ebooks. By the end, you'll walk away knowing how to build your own WordPress educational resources or how to improve the ones you already have.

17:30 UTC

Understanding Hackers: Life as a WordPress Security Researcher

Chloe Chamberland Threat Analyst, Wordfence

Are you curious how hackers exploit vulnerabilities to backdoor their way into WordPress sites? And do you want to know what you can do to protect your site from them? As a security researcher, I spend day in and day out looking for vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins and themes to responsibly disclose them to their developers so that the vulnerabilities can get patched before malicious threat actors discover them.

In this presentation, I want to show you what it's like to be an ethical hacker trying to find vulnerabilities before malicious threat actors do. I'll show you how hackers find vulnerabilities in WordPress code and provide you with some advice on what you can do to protect your site against malicious threat actors looking to exploit these vulnerabilities. When you leave this session, I hope you have a better understanding about why your WordPress site may be targeted by malicious threat actors, how hackers actually find and exploit these vulnerabilities, and what you can do to further secure your WordPress site.

18:00 UTC

Designing websites with privacy in mind

Donata Stroink-Skillrud President, Termageddon

As more countries and states pass their own privacy laws, websites are increasingly subject to privacy design requirements. Unfortunately, these requirements are not frequently discussed with website designers, leaving websites non-compliant and businesses at risk of fines and lawsuits. In this talk, I will discuss how to build privacy-focused websites, from designing ways to obtain proper consent, to avoiding dark patterns, and to ensuring that the design stands up to the test of changing privacy legislation.

18:30 UTC

Meet the Sandwich Stack

Chris Van Patten Director of Digital Product Development, National Basketball Association (NBA)

Headless WordPress is all the rage. The JAMStack seems to be everywhere, you can't stop hearing about GraphQL, and you're exploring setting up a Gatsby front-end for your own blog.

For many folks, the standard "backend CMS + front-end UI" headless approach is great. But in larger businesses and enterprises, the Sandwich Stack — a three piece stack that adds a content API middle tier between your CMS and front-end — will give you greater flexibility, a clearer division of work, and better scaling and performance.

In this talk, you'll learn all about the Sandwich Stack: the practical benefits, how to avoid the pitfalls, and key tips to successfully implement it in your organization.

19:00 UTC

Grow Your Audience with Gamification!

Veena Prashanth Co-Founder, DigitalAccessPass

In this session, I'll be sharing viral gaming tips & actionable strategies that are really easy-to-implement, allow you to stand out from the crowd and increase your website traffic and engagement like never before!

You’ll learn how to integrate game elements into your WordPress site, service, community, content or campaign, in order to drive participation, increase engagement and grow your traffic and sales.

I'll also share examples from other successful online businesses so you can see how they are using game dynamics to challenge and reward their users, increase engagement, and also the tools you can use to implement these strategies in your business.

You'll learn how to apply gaming elements to incentivize people to make an extra effort to do things that they otherwise would not, reward your listeners and members incrementally as they move through your course, your training or your membership content.

The goal of this session is to show you different ways in which you can get your audience to engage with you, and with each other, in a fun and exciting way, helping them accomplish their goals, and also help you grow your business by recommending you to their friends and followers, thus creating a snowball effect

19:30 UTC

Get to know Google NewsPack

Portrait of Adam Silverstein Adam Silverstein Developer Programs Engineer, Google

TBA – Check back soon!

20:00 UTC

5 Simple Rules EVERY Developer or Designer Should Know

Joe A Simpson Jr Senior Digital Communications Administrator, Metro Los Angeles

We often 'niche down' or position ourselves as experts as a value proposition for our clients or colleagues, setting us apart as Developers or Designers. This confidence can create blind spots or arrogant assumptions in our solutions to the detriment of customers. In this presentation, we'll look at how to remove the blinders, consider several real-world examples, and learn how a user-centric approach (combined with a generous dose of testing) can create a more accessible, useable WordPress solution.

20:30 UTC

How to turn yourself into a content-generating machine

Chris Lema VP of Products, Liquid Web

People will say that content production is work. And it's true. But it can be a lot of fun - especially if you don't make it harder for yourself. We'll look at the common mistakes people make that only make everything harder. And I'll show you some tricks that I used (as I wrote daily over 3 years) and am still using today (as I've written every day of 2021).

21:00 UTC

Closing Remarks

Portrait of Brian Richards Brian Richards Event Host

Hands-on Workshops – 28 May - 4 June

This year we have added 5 in-depth workshops to provide you hands-on practice to what you're learning.

Each workshop is anticipated to last roughly 3 hours inclusive of all instruction, activities, discussions, and breaks.

28 May 2021, 00:00 (UTC)

Let's Hack!

Stephen Rees-Carter Senior Developer / Security Analyst, Wordfence
Thinking like a hacker is an important step to protecting your site, it helps you identify where your vulnerabilities are and what is (and isn’t!) important.

A great way to gain the hacker mindset is to hack a site yourself, so that’s what we’re going to do in this workshop!

We’ll hack into an intentionally vulnerable WordPress site, learn why the hack works, and how to defend against it. All you need is your web browser and you’re ready to be a hacker!

1 June 2021, 19:00 (UTC)

Nail Your Client Onboarding Process

Jennifer Bourn Owner, Bourn Creative

How do you onboard new clients to ensure everyone is on the same page, you have all the information you need, and clients feel the value in your services before even getting started?

In this workshop, you’ll gain access to one lesson of Jennifer Bourn’s Profitable Project Plan program — Onboarding New Clients — and learn how to create your own onboarding system for new clients and actually do the work to create it!

02 June 2021, 20:00 (UTC)

Building Accessible Navigation

Natalie MacLees Founder and Principal, Digitally

Site navigation is so much more than internal links, it's the primary direction for every single visitor. It is such an important, fundamental part of every website. So why do 90% of web developers completely blow it and shrink the website's chance of success?

Let's look at several examples and build our own navigation that is navigable and accessible to all visitors, across all devices and input methods.

03 June 2021, 14:00 (UTC)

Build your own Block Based Theme

Daisy Olsen Developer Relations Wrangler, Automattic

Full Site Editing for the WordPress Block Editor is coming to WordPress! Now is the time to get prepared to make block themes of your own. In this workshop we'll go over what you need to know to build a complete Block Theme.

Next we’ll talk through the future of the theming based on the current implementation in the Gutenberg plugin. Finally, we’ll go hands-on to build a custom Block Theme from a blank starter theme.

04 June 2021, 17:00 (UTC)

My First Headless WordPress Site

Kellen Mace & Jason Bahl Developer Advocates, WP Engine

Starting from scratch, let's learn about the tools, techniques, and steps necessary to build a brand new, headless WordPress site.

At the end of the workshop, you'll have your very own, completely functional, headless WordPress site!

Win a Lifetime Membership on WPSessions! is home to nearly 200 hours of exclusive presentations and courses, featuring many of the foremost WordPress experts from around the world. These are talks you won't find anywhere else!

In fact, every past WordSesh presentation is proudly featured in the WPSessions library (and only in the WPSessions library).

We have TWO quick and easy contests that you can enter to win that WPSessions membership:

1. Invite Your Friends!

After you register you will get your own special invitation link. Share this link with your friends and colleagues – in Slack, on your favorite social networks, or, better yet, reach out and invite them individually (everyone loves a personal invitation)!

The person who invites the most attendees will win a lifetime membership.

And a second place winner will win a year-long membership (or extension to their current membership).

2. Attend the Live Event

All you need to do for this one is attend the live event and click the "enter contest" button. One lucky winner will be selected at random.

Yep, that's it! Show up to any part of the live event, click the "enter contest" button, and you're in.

The drawing for this one will take place and the winner will be announced during the closing remarks at the end of the event.

Kind Words about WordSesh

Hallway Track

No good conference is complete without the opportunity to chat and network with your peers. This year, WordSesh has multiple built-in opportunities for you to connect with other attendees, talk shop, swap notes, and make new friends from around the globe.


Event Swag

No, we won't have any stickers, pins, or t-shirts, but we will have plenty of useful gifts for every WordSesh attendee! We've made special arrangements with many awesome companies in the WordPress space to provide exclusive digital swag.

Want to sponsor WordSesh?

WordSesh has been possible every year thanks to support from our proud community sponsors. If you're interested in joining this incredible roster, please get in touch.

Watch Past Events

There have been so many great presentations on WordSesh that it would be criminal to make a list of favorites. Instead, here is just one recent session.

You can watch the recordings from all past WordSesh events right now on WPSessions.

WordSesh, a WPSessions Event

For the past eight years, WPSessions has been recruiting remarkable presenters to teach what they know.

WPSessions is home to nearly 200 hours of exclusive content to help you write better code, find better clients, and deliver better projects.

If you're hungry for WordPress training, and one full day of WordSesh just isn't enough for you, WPSessions is ready feed that desire year-round.

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