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The Economist today

News analysis

Green investing has shortcomings

The financial system and climate change


How much can financiers do about climate change?


China’s next move in the South China Sea

Is it about to claim the skies above it?


A peek inside JAB Holding

One of Europe’s biggest family-owned companies is also among its most taciturn

Daily chart

Week in charts: Britain’s bungling of the pandemic

The rickety world order • China and India come to blows • Mighty, vulnerable Amazon • Uncomfortable luxury

Books & arts

A brilliant Goth’s-eye view of the sack of Rome

History is written by the winners—unless the losers are more literate

The Economist’s coverage of the coronavirus

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Weekly edition

The pandemic has shown just how essential Jeff Bezos’s firm has become—and that it has vulnerabilities

The Economist cover image for the June 20th 2020 edition


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In context: The future of cities

Special report: The new world disorder

Global leadership is missing in action

Seventy-five years ago the world’s leaders designed the peace even as they fought the war. Today’s leaders need to do something similar, says Daniel Franklin

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